Chapter 12

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  "Babe wake up come on its just a dream" I wake up and see cc with a worried look. "Huh? What are you talking about? I didnt have any dreams." I say.  He raises and eyebrow.  "You were screaming in your sleep. You okay?" I nodded.  I look at my clock on the roof of my bunk. 9:45 "shit I gotta get up and get ready." Cc dosent move. "Babe, you gotta move to let me out." He smiles.  "Want out? Figure a way out." He says with a smirk. The only way to get out would be to slide over him. "Okay give me a sec" I grab my phone and text ashley telling him to lay his pillows on the ground. I hear him grunt and push his pillows out. I smile at cc. "Love you baby" I place my feet on his side and push him out of the bunk. He lands with an oof. Ashley texts me. 'Haha I recorded it!' I laugh and crawl out of the bunk. Cc is on the ground glaring at me. I grab my black skinny jeans and a the black shirt with silver stripes I got for my birthday. Andy came and leaned against the door frame to the bathroom. "Nervous?" I smile and shrug my shoulders.  He can see through the lie because my hands are shaking like crazy.  He takes my make up and fixes it correctly.  "You look beautiful.  Dont let them get you all nervous.  You will blow their minds." He hugs me and we walk out of the bathroom to cc still laying on the floor. "Come on you guys if your coming with me. Gotta be there by two." Everyone gets up. We are ready to go within minutes.

     *cc's pov*

  I can tell this whole thing if freaking becca out. She is shaking so bad its scary. "You look beautiful" I whisper in her ear. She blushes next to me. We arrived and walk up to the desk. "Were here for becca biersacks interview." The lady nods. She stands up and leads us back to a room.  "Just ms. Biersack now" becca steps foward. She kisses me before stepping into the room..


        *beccas pov*

I walked in and saw a man sitting at a desk. he had bright blue hair like mine. I smile at his hair and he smiles back. He has a lip piercing. "Becca?" I smile and nod.  He motions for me to sit in the seat. I sit down and he pulls out a recorder.  "Okay so first things first. I like your hair. Anyone with blue hair is instantly awesome. " I blush. Yes dumb thing to blush over but :p. "Thank you" he smiles. "So how old are you, how long have you been singing, and have you ever thought of joining a band?" He takes a breath.  I think for a moment "im 17 since yesterday, ive always sung to keep my spirits up, and ive thought about joining a band but I always thought I sucked at singing." He laughs.  "Woman, I was the one who was recommended you. I was almost fired because for about three weeks I said people sucked ass at singing. But you, you took my breath away." He smiled when he finished. "T-thank you that m-means a lot to me."  I say blushing more. Ugh screw you face. "Okay so what kinda bands do you like so I know who to put you with." I start listing off bands and he nids his head. "Perfect. Now can you match pitch with me." I nod and sit up. At first my voice was shaky but I fixed it. "Good very good. Now do you have a song prepared?" "Yea um ashley and cc were gonna help me. We need a drum set. We brought a bass and guitar." He nods and tells me to go get them. "Lets go guys" I say sticking my head out the door. Ashley and cc follow me into the room he guy was in. "Hey whats your name" he turns to me. "Beck. Thats why I was excited to take you on. Similar names and kick ass hair." We all laugh. "Okay when ever your ready." I count off and we start. Ashley obviously worked more on the bass line and cc did good on the drums for the first time playing with the song. Once we finished I looked up to beck. "Ha I knew there was something in you I TOLD YOU CLARK! I TOLD YOU SHE WAS SPECIAL!" A guy comes in through a door I hadn't noticed and hands beck a five dollar bill "wait did you make a bet on me?" I ask laughing. They nod. "Yep clark here said you wernt anything exept another kid. I bet him five dollars you were something special. I win" I laugh. "Thanks for the confidence boost" I say. He nods frantically.  "Well most if the time we would have you wait a day to decide if we should sign you buttt I wont do that so if youd like you can sign this and ill send you too a practice room and call in your band." I raise my eyebrow.  "My band?" He nods. "Yea a band came in the other day who described almost all if the same bands as you for music interest and they need a lead singer. Tada" I run up and hug him "thank you so much. Yes were the hell is the paper." I let go and cc came and wrapped his arms around me. I could tell he was jealous because I had hugged beck. He grabbed the paper and turned around. "Oh so you two are together? Nice job bro" he says. I blush and cc kisses my head. I sign the papers while beck calls the band. "Okay your all set. You guys can go the practice room 218. Take the rest of the bvb up there. Ill walk the band up later" I nod and we go back out. I put on a sad face time for pay back for sticking me with the nick name fluffy. "Howd it go becca?" Andy asks. I rub my face as  if I was crying.  "Oh baby im sorry" he said pulling me into a hug "dad I made it." I whispered into his ear. He picks me up and spins me around. "You brat you scared me!" I laugh when he puts me down. "Come on children lets go to the practice room." I say. They follow me and the room is nice. Beck said it would be a while before they got here so I sat down and started playing in the end. Andy starts singing. Ashley is playing his bass. Cc is playing drums. Jinx and jake air guitar. When we finish we hear a bunch of clapping. I look up to see my band and beck. "Told you she was good" he says. I stand up and walk over. "Hi, my names becca!" I say putting my hand out to the girl with purple hair. Instead of shaking it she pulls me into a hug. Soon the other three guys join in. "Hi im silver. I play bass. Im 17" The girl introduced herself. She pointed over to the taller boy with black hair that hung into his green eyes. "Thats khole, 16. Hes the quiet one. Unless he has a monster then he wont shut up or sit still. He plays drums and let me tell you he is kick. Ass." He waves. Next she points to the shortest one of the group. He had red eyes and bright blonde hair. "Im manny call me spike though.  Im 18. Touch my food and ill kill you. Nothing personal.  Oh and yes my eyes are naturally like this its a gene mutation and I get a lot of shit over it." He says before silver can say anything. I nod "well I like it. Maybe if youd like we can all wear contacts so you dont stand out? I have some red ones." He nods his head "that would be kick ass man." He says stil nodding. "Oh and I play rhythm guitar." Silver points over to the last guy. "Thats mike, 16, he plays guitar and will scream if you ever need it." I nod.  This is awesome "you guys. I have a feeling this will be a kick ass band. We need a name. Any ideas?" Khole raises his hand. "Black roses at midnight" we all turned to him. "Fuck yess that sounds awesome!" Mann- spike said. "Well its settled.  Black roses at midnight."  Beck nods "ill put it in you papers. Well have fun kids dont break anything. "You guys wanna run through a song?" They all nod and set up. I put my guitar down. "What shall it be?" I ask turning back to everyone.  "Do you know second and Sebring? Of mice and men?" I grin. "Yea ill do the screams and mike you can do it with me if youd like." He nods and khole counts off.

We finish and the bvb guys all clap "woah. That was amazing guys." I say. "Dude we wouldnt be anything right now without you." Spike says. We all decide to meet up later that night for dinner. We trade numbers and say goodbye. I have a feeling we will be a big thing soon.

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