chapter 14

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    Today we have to go play a gig that mike got us. It was in this small club but hey we all have to start somewhere. "Bbbbaaabbbbyyyyy geeet uuup" I say poking Cc's face. Instead of waking up its a noise that sounded like this hhhmffptff. Not sure what it meant but I heard jake laugh from his bunk. "Cc get your ass up before I push you out again." His eyes snap open and he wraps his arms around me. "If I go, your going down with me. " I laugh and kiss him. "Come on I have to get ready for a show today." He grunts and lets me out of the bunk. "Want me to come with you today?" I hear andy ask from the front room. "Uh if you want.  I dont want you to get attacked by fan girls." I hear him laugh and he finally steps out so I can see him. He is in blue jeans, a red flannel, and has a black mustache on. I end up laughing so hard im on the floor in tears. Jinx, jake, cc, and ashley have their heads stuck out of the bunk also laughing. "What? I thought it was good!" Andy defends himself.  "S-sure it is" I say now in fits of giggles.  I turn around and slam into ashley who is fully clothed.  "Watch yourself there fluffy." He laughs. I raise an eyebrow.  "Were are you going?"  He smooths his shirt. "To watch my girlfriend preform duh" I laugh and shake my head. We all get in a car and meet the rest of the band at the club. "HEY SLUTS HOW YOU DOIN?!" me and silver yell as we walk back stage. Every one runs up and hugs us. "Oookkkaaayyy so. Heres the set list. Since we havent wrote any damn songs you lazy fuckers" everyone laughs even though its completely true. "First up, therapy atl, let live om&m, helena mcr, and to finish off since the next better band needs more time" I say in a nasally female voice "savoir bvb. You guys ready?"

   We finished and ran off the stage. "Holy shit guys that was amazing!" Spike yells jumping up and down. Khole is quiet so I go over to the mini fridge and grab a monster. "Yo! Khole! Catch!" I throw the monster and he jumps to catch it. His face lights up and he quickly chugs it. Within moments he is running and screaming and some were between this he took off his shirt. " who the hell in their right mind gave him a monster?"   Silver said with annoyance in her voice. I raise my hand.  "Well you see im not in my right mind so its totally okay." She sends me a glare and before I know it I have a sweaty silver sitting on me. "You fucking gave him a monster! Nobody ever lets me give him one! I fucking love you!" I laugh and push her off of me. "Come on, me and you are getting a hotel room for the night and are having a girls night." 

   The rest of the night was filled with scary movies, popcorn fights, and tickle wars.

      Sorry its so short I have such terrible writers block and I felt bad for not updating and just ughh. Anyway ill update soon and its not gonna  be a shitty chapter I promise. 


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