Prologue (this I made up)

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Lily is a 16 year old girl who's parents are rich, is very popular at school, and has amazin grades. But, she's been going to many parties and having alchohol. One night she came home, not expecting her parents there, stumbled through the door and her parents were waiting for her. "Its past curfew young lady." Lily's father said. "Where were you?" Lily's  mother asked.  "I was... no where. Why?" Lily replied. "Lily, have you been drinking lately?" Her father asked. Just then the laxatives her friends put in her drink, without Lily knowing, started to kick in. A loud fart came from her, then a few moments later a wave of poop flowed into her pants, at the same time she was wetting herself too. "LILY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Her mother screamed. She stopped for nearly a moment, then she instantly started pooping again. "That's it Lily, go get showered and changed I'm  going shopping for a bit." Lily sat there for a while waiting until she stopped pooping. When she was done, she cried as she walked up the stairs and into the shower. When Lily got done showering her mother came back with a bag behind her back. "Go to your room Lily." So Lily went to her room with her mother not far behind, when they got in there Lily's mother shut the door behind her. "What's in the bag?" Lily asked. Her mother told Lily to lay down on the bed, when she did Lily's mother took off Lily's skirt and panties. "MOM WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?" "Well, since you shit and pissed yourself earlier like a baby, I figured you should be treated as one." When she said this she pulled put big puffy adult diapers and a unicorn onsie. " MOM STOP!" Lily said as she struggled and kicked. "Lily if you don't stop I will tell all of your friends that you are wearing a diaper!" Her mother said frustrated. Lily stopped, she looked away from her mother and the disaster going on. She got on a diaper, then the onsie, which had gloves that locked so she couldn't take the diaper off. "There we go sweetie. Oh my, it's way past baby's bedtime." Lily's mother laid her down on Lily's bed on walked out of the room.

1 month later
"Lily sweetie," her mom said, "your father and I are going on a business trip. So I want you to act your best for Ms. Slusher. (Ms. Slusher is Lily's parent's best friend) "Mom, why can't I just stay here by myself?" Lily asked. "Because, we both know what happened last time. Plus we need someone to make sure that you don't take off your diaper." Why would I take this off, Lily thought, thanks to these two I've completely become dependent on these fucking things. All though it does feel nice not having to get up to use the bathroom sometimes. And it also feels kind of nice and warm. "Bye Lily." Her parents said as they walked out the door. "Alright house to myself for a bit, what do I want to do in this glorious time." Just then the doorbell rang, Lily went to see who it was and it was Ms. Slusher. Lily opened the door and saw she had bags packed. "Hello Lily, so change of plans. Not my choice, but you get to come with me to a business trip. Again, not my choice." Lily said in reply. "Wait what about my diapers?" "Dont worry, I've got that covered." She said as she showed lily a diaper bag with the old puffy diapers she used to wear. "Uh, Ms. Slusher I dont need those diapers anymore." Lily explained. "Well, it looks like the ones you use now arent that reliable." She said pointing at Lily's diaper that nearly about to leak everywhere. "Let's get you changed into one of these." Ms. Slusher took Lily to her bedroom and changed her into one of the puffy diapers and a skirt. Afterwards they left for the airport.

Hey guys, so sorry I haven't been working on the other story. I just had an idea and yea, here we are. Also I've been seeing good ideas for The People's Story, probably just a couple more ideas then I will decide. And another thing, I now have an Instagram account for my fakemon drawings, @fakemon_dreamteam (on Instagram) so go over there check out my drawings follow me. But until then, see you in the next page. PEACE

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