Part 6

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Buffy's POV

As I approach the school, I see Andi and Jonah sitting at a picnic table and go over to join them. They smile when they spot me, and I force a smile back. I want to be happy and forget about how my life just got completely turned on its head yesterday evening, but I find it hard to move past this knowing that I could see someone soon whom I really don't want to see. 

"Hey," Andi says. "What's up?"

"Not much," I lie. 

"You look tired," Jonah comments, which earns him a glare from Andi. 

"I didn't get much sleep last night," I admit. 

"Ignore him," Andi says. "You look great."

I give her a gracious smile. "Thanks. But I know that's a lie."

"Well, I tried," she sighs. "What kept you up?"

I sit down across from them at the table and drop my head into my hands. 

"Uh, just a lot of homework," I say, even though I know that's not at all true. 

"That's annoying," Andi mutters. "Teachers shouldn't assign so much that it keeps their students from getting enough sleep. It defeats their whole thing about caring for us and our well-being."

"Yeah, totally," I respond, trying to sound like I actually mean it and didn't just make that all up.

"Hey, Cyrus!" Jonah suddenly chirps. 

He gives a shining smile and a wave to his friend whom I spin to see walking toward us alongside the one person I want to avoid: TJ Kippen. While the pair strolls down the sidewalk in our direction, I feel my stomach sink and decide I'd rather be drowning in a hole than facing the blonde basketball captain. 

"I'm gonna go," I say.

Andi looks over at me and sighs as I stand up.

"Come on, Buffy," she says. "I know TJ's not your favorite person, but Cyrus—"

"It's not that," I interrupt. 

"Then what?" Jonah wonders.

I flick my head back to the boys who are almost at the table now before returning my focus to my friends, now feeling rushed. 

"I'll explain another time. I've got to go," I say. 

I turn and zip away just before Cyrus and TJ get to where I was. I know Cyrus is probably going to be disappointed about me leaving, but I just can't be there when TJ's there. I want to hold things still for a little longer before diving into everything that's no doubt going to change. 

I hurry into the school and slip down the crowded hallway. I'm so caught up in going nowhere in particular that I hardly notice my name being called until the source budges in front of me, making me stop in my tracks. 

"Buffy," Marty says, "are you okay?"

"I'm fine," I reply. 

He shakes his head, not believing me. 

"You seem stressed," he says. "What's going on?"

"Nothing," I insist, my impatience becoming more apparent in my voice. 

The pressure of everything I don't want to say gives me a headache, and I force myself to breathe deeper in order to contain all the emotions I'm feeling right now. I left the house feeling stressed, but now the stress is manifesting as anger, and I don't know how to keep myself from taking it out on everyone around me, and that only makes me more upset. Trying to hold back the tears that are fighting to escape, I step around Marty to keep walking, but he cuts me off once more. 

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