Part 8

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TJ: I'm there.

TJ: It's way bigger than my house.

Cyrus: Are you nervous?

TJ: Yeah

Cyrus: :(

Cyrus: Let me know how it goes when you meet them.

TJ: I'll tell you all about it. Maybe tonight?

Cyrus: Tonight works. Meet me at the park at 7:00?

TJ: You got it, Underdog.

Cyrus: :)

Cyrus: It'll be fine.

TJ: Thanks. I hope so.

"TJ, put your phone away," My mom tells me as she steps up the pathway past me.

I sigh and shove my phone into my pocket before picking up my suitcase and carrying it up the steps onto the porch. Through the giant window, I can see an open kitchen and living room. I focus in on the photos on the walls of the family's only child as she ages through each school picture.

I stop my peeking when I see a woman appear from the stairwell. Soon after, the door flings open, and she stands there smiling.

"TJ," the lady says, "I'm Pat."

"Hi," I mutter, not sure what else to add.

I wonder if she's heard all about me—specifically about how I used to treat Buffy—from her daughter. That smile could be a pointless disguise to hide her actual resentment toward me. I wouldn't be surprised. I don't deserve to be treated nicely by her.

My mom puts her hand on my shoulder as I drop my suitcase on the floor with a clink, and I look up at her.

"Remember to listen to what she says and help out around the house," Mom reminds me.

"Yeah, I got it," I respond.

"Okay," she says, giving my shoulder one last squeeze. Then she looks back up to Buffy's mom. "I'll let you take it from here then, Pat."

"Don't worry, Georgia. TJ will be well taken care of."

She gives me a smile, and I smile back, contradicting my current feelings right now.

And with just the shutting of a door, I'm left alone with a stranger whose daughter hates me, without anyone I know. Suddenly, I realize I've never been more thankful for my phone in my pocket, because it means Cyrus is only one text away. I consider taking it out, but Pat motions for me to follow her, and I decide it'd be rude to ignore her.

"Are you hungry?" she asks as she walks me toward the big, open kitchen.

"I'm good," I reply.

I stop at the counter to lean my elbows on it, my eyes busy scanning the room at the design. Flower pots—with real flowers—sit on the edge of every countertop there is, and family photos are placed scarcely but meaningfully on otherwise bare spots of the walls.

"Okay," she responds. "I'm making burgers for supper later. I don't cook often, but I didn't want your first supper here to be take-out."

I lean forward to speak, but I don't want to kill her bright mood, so I retreat back. Pat has already noticed, though, and she questions me.

"Is that okay?"

"Oh, yeah," I say. "It's just that I'm actually a vegetarian."

She sighs. "Of course. I'm sorry. I should've asked."

"No, it's fine," I say. "I'll just skip dinner."

"You can't do that," she mutters, the disappointment apparent in her voice.

All of a sudden, the clunk of footsteps sounds from the stairs, and I spin around to see Buffy entering the room, bringing along a giant cloud of discomfort with her.

"You're here already," she notes.

"Buffy," Pat speaks up, "I'm going to the store to buy veggie burgers—"

"Veggie burgers?" Buffy cuts in, confused.

"Yes. TJ's a vegetarian," Pat explains. "Can you show TJ his room while I'm out?"

"Yeah," Buffy mutters, her tone flat. "No problem."

Pat gives her daughter a kiss on the head before making her way toward the back door. Buffy waits for the sound of it shutting before turning to me.

"You're a vegetarian?" she asks.

I nod. "Yeah."

"I didn't expect that," she comments.

"Yeah, well, whatever," I respond.

She thinks I'm just everything awful incarnated as a person, so naturally she wouldn't believe that I care about the animals or the environment or anything like that. If she were anyone else, I'd start on a rant about why I choose to eat this way, but I don't have the energy to do that with her.

"I'll show you your room," Buffy then says, changing the subject.

She waves for me to follow her, and I do so after making a quick stop to grab my suitcase first. She walks several steps above me, not glancing back at all to notice me swaying with the weight of my bag as I ascend. She shows me to the top floor where an open door reveals a room like a blank canvas, holding nothing but a bed, a nightstand, a chest of drawers, and a desk, all plain wood.

"That's yours," Buffy says, not looking at me but instead at her phone which she's pulled out to keep her entertained, as though having her enemy as her half-brother isn't interesting enough.

I step through the doorway and set my suitcase down on the burgundy carpet then glance back at the room across the hall from mine and its purple walls covered in medals and ribbons for all types of sports.

"Is that your room?" I ask.

Buffy immediately whips around, grabs the doorknob, and slams it closed.

"Yes," she snaps, "so stay out of there."

I raise my eyebrows and nod, honestly pretty tired of being around her. I turn back around and go into the room where I'll be staying and pull the door shut behind me. Surrounded by nothing familiar, I reach for something I know I'll recognize and use it to text the person I've been waiting to talk to this whole time. On the screen, I see a text from him already waiting for me.

Cyrus: Have you met them yet? Sorry, I'm impatient.

TJ: Yeah. My half-sister isn't a huge fan of me. I'll tell you more when I see you. Any chance we can meet up now? I don't think my half-sister really wants me here.

Cyrus: Sure thing! I'll be there soon.

I shove my phone back into my pocket and head out of my room and down the stairs. Buffy's eyes swerve from the television to me as I pass the living room.

"Where are you going?" she questions.

"Why do you care?" I huff.

"My mom will be mad if you're not back for dinner."

"I'll be back for dinner," I snap.

Then I slip on my shoes and fling the front door open, shutting it tight against the wind behind me.

A/N: Hey. Sorry this took so long. it's been busy with uni starting up again and work and stuff. I had more to write for this chapter, but then I decided to move it to the next one instead. Thanks for reading! I love you all, and good night!

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