Part 13

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I spot Cyrus standing by a sign for a horror film coming to theatres soon. The sight of the creepy clown is so ironic next to this kind-hearted boy who smiles when he sees me approach. He's definitely dressed up slightly nicer than I am—in an rusty orange button-up shirt and dark jeans—but that's also just how Cyrus dresses all the time. 

When I get up to him, I don't know what to say. For some reason, it feels different being around him now. Maybe that's because I know he likes me back—and the thought of that makes me smile wide to the point where I wonder if he thinks I'm laughing at him. 

"Hi," he says. 

For a moment, I can't find my voice, for I'm stuck just thinking about how cute he is and how this must still be a dream. 


I finally snap myself out of my trance, and my face starts burning red from embarrassment. 

"Hi," I say. "Uh, you look good. Is that a new shirt?"

"Yes," Cyrus replies. "You helped me pick it out. Remember?"

The memory comes back, and I wonder how it slipped away. We went to the mall last week and I pointed out that shirt, telling him I thought he should wear more orange. 

I laugh off my error, saying, "Right. Yeah, I remember."

Cyrus steps a little bit closer to me, his eyes looking at me gently as he says, "Are you nervous?"

"Maybe a bit," I admit. "Did you get the tickets yet?" 

Cyrus shakes his head. 

"Good," I say. "I'll pay."

"It's okay. I can."

"No, I've got it," I insist. 

Cyrus nods, finally accepting the gesture. Suddenly, I'm worried I pushed it too much.

"I'm sorry," I say. "I've never done this before—dating."

A smile spreads across Cyrus' face, and he reaches out his hand, weaving his fingers through mine. His touch settles my nerves a substantial amount, but only makes my pulse beat faster. 

"You're doing fine," Cyrus tells me. 

I let myself relax and take a breath.

"Okay," I say as I start walking along with Cyrus toward the box office. "Then I'll stop stressing and just have fun."

"You are much cuter when you're not stressed," Cyrus comments. 

We're caught in a loose stream of people making their ways toward the box office line-up, but that doesn't stop me from splitting the stream into two by halting in the middle of it, pulling Cyrus up to me, and kissing him right here. I guess Buffy was right when she said I'd feel the moment, but, in all honesty, I always feel the desire to be close to him; it's never been just a moment. 

When our lips separate, I'm still holding his hands, and Cyrus smiles at me, his cheeks pink.

"I always thought you'd be against PDA," Cyrus says. 

"I am," I reply, "unless it's us."

We both laugh at that. I've always hated seeing other people being affectionate in public, but now I get why people do it. It's the same reason people enter talent shows: to let everyone know that they have something special. 

Unfortunately, I didn't spend much time yet, if any, considering the costs of disclosing this part of my life. If I had just taken a second to think or look around at who might be watching me, I would've noticed the boys from our school standing by the popcorn line. I recognize them. They're part of the group which Colton is part of, and the way they're looking at me now is a perfect example of why I don't support Buffy's choice to go out with that guy tonight—and why I'm not friends with them anymore.

"When did TJ turn gay?" asks Jason in a loud voice, loud enough to gain stares from the surrounding people.

Nobody says anything. They just glance at the situation then silently decide to ignore it. I can't blame them. I'd probably do the same thing if I were in their positions. 

Cyrus immediately lets go of my hands, taking a step back. 

"I'm sorry," he whispers.

I shake my head and close the space again, reconnecting our grips. Cyrus smiles faintly, but the action only invites the other boys to continue their teasing. 

"Glad we got away from that creep," says Nixon. 

Though I hear them speak, I don't look at them. Cyrus' eyes have me locked into his focused stare. He knows I want to get angry, but he's not going to let me. 

"Let's go get popcorn first," Cyrus suggests. 

I nod and let him lead me away across the theatre. I feel the weight of the air around us release some of its pressure as the situation that just occurred becomes detached from Cyrus and I right now. We get up to the back of one of the long lines at the concession stand.

"Are you okay?" Cyrus checks.

"I'm fine," I say. "They're just a bunch of assholes. I know that. It's why I'm not friends with them anymore."

Cyrus seems surprised. "You were friends?"

"Yeah," I confess. "I broke off from them last year. I don't want toxic people around."

Suddenly, a woman with curly blonde hair chimes in, stepping up to Cyrus and I, saying, "I saw what happened, and I just wanted to let you know that you have nothing to be ashamed of. You two are both very brave."

It takes me some time to process the words, but Cyrus responds right away.

"Thank you," he says. 

The woman walks away, meeting back up with who I assume must be her family. 

"I've never been called brave before by someone other than my mom," Cyrus says with a chuckle. 

"She's right," I tell him. "I might've started a fight if you weren't there."

"They wouldn't have said anything if I weren't there," Cyrus states. "But it's the thought that counts, so thanks for saying that."

I laugh a little and step up farther in line. 

"How about we start this date over again," I suggest. "And I'll pay for popcorn."

"How about," he counters, "I'll pay."

The teenager working at the till waves for the next customer, which happens to be us, meaning we've run out of time to argue. But I decide I have enough time to take a shot at something else I've been wanting to do since Cyrus first kissed me.

"Well, that depends," I say. "I would never let just the guy I like pay for me. But if he were my boyfriend, I might."

Cyrus grins and takes a step forward. "Then I guess I'm paying."

A/N: So I'm watching the umbrella academy. It's kinda a whack show, but it also kinda slaps. Now I need to do a bunch of work for school, so wish me luck. I love all of you so much. Ima just be a bit sappy and say that I appreciate you all so much, and you're the reason I write. I love being able to write for people who care. But I'm not an emotional person, so Ima end the sap there. Thank you for reading, and I'll see you with the next chapter soon. 

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