Part 15

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Buffy's POV

The wind definitely contributes to the noise, although most of it is from the chatter of people around me, all excited to see whoever this concert is for. I honestly can't remember. I didn't really care about the concert as much as the boy who invited me to it. I follow the stream of bodies toward the amphitheatre, looking around for Colton.

Many people pass me, but none are the right one. He must be a bit late. I stop at the steps where we agreed to meet and scan the crowd again. A few minutes go by, and I decide to sit down, resting my elbows on my knees.

Since Marty left, I've been trying to get myself excited again for tonight, but his visit seems to have squished my positive attitude about this. I thought I wanted to go out with Colton, the boy every girl wants. I thought I wanted to be his girlfriend. I did want that. But I'm not sure I do anymore.

The more people that I see pass by me up the stairs, the less I'm searching anymore. I don't think the boy I'm waiting for is really the one I want to see. I don't know how Marty did it, but somehow he's gotten my head wrapped up in his brown eyes and the way they whittle away at my shield, making me feel exposed—but still safe. I've always felt safe with him, like he could stop a hurricane from hurting me even though I know that's insane. And maybe letting these thoughts about him swirl around in my brain is nothing more than insanity, because I know we wouldn't work out. But why wouldn't we work out?

By now, there's only a few people still entering the amphitheatre. The wind is cold on my bare skin, so I stuff my hands into my pockets to keep them warm. I wait until I'm the only person left outside before I let the reality of the matter sink in: I've been stood up.

I feel like I want to cry, but I can't get myself to let the tears out. I just feel so dizzy from thought that I can't fully get a grip on my emotions. I don't want to see Colton. I guess I'm glad he didn't show up, but I was expecting him to come. I expected him to see me and say some dumb pick-up line that should make me blush. I expected him to want to see me. And it burns like vinegar in a cut having that expectation crushed. He was supposed to want me. But he doesn't. What's so wrong with me that he changed his mind? Did he ever even want to go out with me? Was this all just a joke that I was too naive to understand?

"Excuse me, miss," comes a deep voice, and I lift my head up from the cement to see a bearded man in a security uniform looking down on me. "Are you going to go inside?"

It's at this moment that I feel a drip roll down my cheek. It feels like ice as the breeze brushes its trail.

"Probably not," I mutter.



When a knock on the door interrupts my night alone watching Seinfeld, I assume it's Buffy. I groan as I get up from the living room couch. She has a key, so why doesn't she use it?

My answer comes with the sight of Marty standing on the doorstep instead. He seems surprised at first to see me but quickly becomes comfortable with my presence.

"Marty?" I ask.

"Yo," he says. "Is Buffy home yet?"

"She's on a date," I reply, the sprinkle of bitterness audible in my voice.

Marty seems to have the same opinion as me on this date, maybe stronger, though. He frowns, his forehead wrinkled with concern.

"When's she getting back?" he asks.

"I don't know," I answer.

Marty thinks for a moment while the draft of cold air stings the warm house.

"Is it okay if I wait here for her to get home?" he asks.

I step aside and let him in before sealing off the outside from the inside. Marty kicks off his shoes and comes over to sit down on one of the chairs. I go over too, pausing the television before plopping down on the couch.

"So," I start, "why do you need to see her?" I know Marty is close with Buffy, but I'm curious as to where this sudden worry has come from.

Rather than responding, he takes his phone out from his pocket and unlocks it. Then he passes the screen over for me to see. An Instapic post glows through the glass, showing a familiar face at what looks to be a house party. He's with a girl from our grade, the two of them too close to be played off as platonic. The photo is . . . interesting to say the least. The only thing I can think of that would explain why this image is on her Instapic would be that she must be drunk. Colton wasn't the one who posted it, probably because he knew Buffy might see it. I wonder if she has. Then again, she's not home yet. I just hope she's okay.

"That prick," I mutter, passing Marty's phone back to him.

"He doesn't deserve her," Marty says, his anger colouring his voice. "I should've stopped her from going out with him. I knew it was a bad idea, but I just—I wanted to let her make her own decisions, but this was just such a bad one."

"It's not your fault," I tell Marty. "I tried to warn her about Colton, but she wouldn't listen. And it's not her fault either. Colton's the problem."

"I just don't get how he could do that to her," Marty says. "To her. She's the best girl he'll ever meet, and he treated her like dirt. She deserves someone who'll give her the world." Then quieter, he adds, "The way I would treat her."

I stare at this boy who's heart belongs to a girl who doesn't want it. I used to think I was in that position with Cyrus, but now everything's different. I just wish it could be that way for Marty too, but unfortunately I don't think Buffy's going to come around any time soon. Even if she did like him, she's so stubborn that it might take her months to realize how she feels.

"You really like her, don't you?" I say.

"I really do," Marty breathes. "She's just so—I don't know—perfect. She's perfect. I don't know how to describe it."

"I know what you mean," I reply.

That's how I feel about Cyrus. He's simply perfect. And I guess Buffy is Marty's Cyrus. I wonder if he likes her to the same extent. I wonder if he'd take a bullet for her the way I would for Cyrus. I wonder if Marty would throw away every relationship he has just to have one with her. I wonder if he'd give up his entire future just to be able to kiss her one time.

I bet he would.

A/N: Hi. I just finished writing a paper, and I felt accomplished, so I wrote another chapter. I think it's cute. The next few are gonna be fun, so put your hard hats on. Uh, thank you everyone who comments and votes. Please comment! I love reading them! I also love you all, and I love talking to you all and hearing what you have to say, and I appreciate your continuous support. Thank you! Have a very lovely day.

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