Chapter 9

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We were waiting outside for the couple as they talked to each other

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We were waiting outside for the couple as they talked to each other. My mind started thinking back to the parents day that they had in Auradon all those months ago. The words of Douch Charming played in my head as Evie's accusing eyes kept appearing in my mind. 'You're just as insane and unpredictable as the father of yours.' Did she really think I would let Mal come back to here. That I would manipulate my friend into thinking that this place is the only answer after struggling in Auradon that gave us so many great opportunities. Maybe my father's hatred and mannerisms rubbed off on me here and now it's making me untrustworthy. Maybe that's why Alistair and Bunny dislikes me. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Evie and Carlos discussing something as the tan Arab boy walks over to me.

"What's going on?" He asked me breaking me out of my thought.

"What do you mean?" I questioned him not really focusing on anything as my fingers mindlessly toys with the ring.

"You're brooding more than usual which is dangerous and you and Evie aren't being really coupley right now." He pointed out as he observed me with his dark brown eyes.

"Evie accused me of convincing Mal to leave Auradon." I sighed out with my ears flat against my head.

"Did she say it to you?" He wondered out loud as he studied me further.

"No. The Hatter twins told me that Mal left. When Evie came to tell me, I told her I already knew. She didn't have to say it. Her eyes told me enough. It made me feel like everyone thinks I'm like my father." I truthfully told him as I felt my heart clench when Evie's accusing eyes flashed in my mind again.

"Jax..." Jay tried to talk but I cut him off.

"I guess I'm just delaying the inevitable," I sighed out with half a smile, "I think I'm going to stay once Ben and Mal are ready to return."

"What?" The raspy voice of the blue haired princess exclaimed. I could feel her gaze on my side profile as I took off the ring she gave me for my birthday. It felt weird not wearing it anymore but it's for the best.

"What's the point? Chad was right all those months ago. I'm probably going to be just like Chessur. It would be better if I stayed. Then we know it would be safer." I said with a sad smile as I placed the ring in her leather clad hand.

"No Jax please." Evie chocked out while grabbing my arm.

"Evie please let me go." I breathed out not daring to look at her knowing I would break down.

"Stop calling me that." She exclaimed as she pulled my gaze towards her tear filled eyes.

"What do you mean? Stop calling you by your name?" I furrowed my brows giving the blue haired girl a questioning look.

"Yes! You always call me by a nickname. Now that you just say my normal name makes me feel even worse. I know I fucked up. I know I shouldn't have thought you would help Mal. Knowing that I made you feel like you're becoming your father just makes me feel horrible because I know you will never be like him. Please Chess just stay. I can't imagine living in Auradon without you. You make me feel so special and here I made you feel like him. I want to make it up to you. Just please don't leave me." She exclaimed while hugging me tightly.

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