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Once upon a time, long, long after Humpty Dumpty fell off of the wall...

Wait wrong universe.

Long after Arendelle had that wicked snowy summer. After Cindy had her bibbity bobbity boo. After Mulan turned down the emperor for a powerful position in his counsel and married pretty boy. After Alice had the time of her life in Wonderland with all of the drugs (Evie: She means food.) and weirdness. After Merlin found Nemo... Damn it, there are so many stories I keep mixing them up.

After a hella long time (Mal: 20 years ago.)

Belle married her Beast in front of 6,000 of their closest personal friends. She is seriously social. I would probably have less than 20 people at my wedding with me being an introvert.

On with the story, big cake, blah blah blah, skipped honeymoon, blah blah blah, United States of Auradon, blah blah blah, Beast elected king, blah blah blah.

He rounded up all the baddies and sidekicks... basically all the really classy, sassy and badassy people... and he shipped them off to the Isle of The Lost with a big magical bowl to keep them there.

My humble abode where I was raised since I was a kitten. The only things we knew where vandalizing, fighting, surviving and being just down right wickedly evil. Yeah home, freak home everyone. The only bad thing about being trapped on the Isle:

No magic mumbo jumbo.

No Freedom

No Wi-Fi. Oh the horror...

No way out.

Or so I thought. Hakuna your tattas, you're about to meet us soon. But first this happened.

In Beasty's Castle which is of course in Goody-Two-Shoes-Ville.

Beasty Jr. a.k.a Prince Benjamin held his gaze on the Isle of Doom. The grey clouds casting a dark looming shadow over the home of villains. It was quite the contras with the bright blue ocean surrounding the gloomy place. The clouds and barrier keeping the earie and dark weather over the Island while the sun brightly shined on the opposite side. He paid no mind to Lumiere trying to get his Coronation suit to be perfect. Princey had his head in the clouds with the vision of his perfect little world where the baddies' kids and the goody-two-shoes kids lived in harmony.

He was pulled from his vision when Lumiere moved his gaze away from the Isle to be measured for the crown that will soon be placed on his head. When Lumiere moved to the next place to measure, Ben's eyes immediately fell on the Isle again. He knew what he had to do to get his vision true. The only barrier between him and the vision, well except the actual barrier, was his parents approval.

"How is it possible that you're going to be crowned king next month? You're just a baby!" The voice of the very man's approval who he needed broke his train of thought.

"He's turning 16, dear." Belle reminded her husband as they moved closer towards their heir.

"Hey, pops." Ben greeted his father while Belle grabbed his clothes from the foosball table.

"Gosh! 16? That's far too young to be crowned king. I didn't make a good decision until I was a least 42." Beast exclaimed which earned him a scoff from his wife.

"Uh, you decided to marry me at 28." Belle reminded him.

"Ah, it was either you or a teapot." Beast joked while sending a wink towards his son which got a chuckle out of him.

"Kidding, I'm only kidding." Beast told his wife trying to stay out of the dog house or in his case the beast house. Beast raised his eyebrows at Ben when Belle looked away knowing he saved himself from trouble.

"Mom, Dad..." Ben said grabbing his parents attention. He tried to move towards them but was stopped by Lumiere.

"Ah! Nn-nnh!"

Ben stayed where he was standing for a while now and looked at his parents.

"I've chosen my first official proclamation." Ben told his parents which caused them to look at each other in surprise before directing their gaze towards their son as he continued.

"I've decided that the children on the isle of the lost be given a chance to live here in Auradon." As these words left Ben's lips both of his parents where shocked. Belle even dropped the jacket she was holding in her hand as the smiles were wiped from their faces.

"Every time I look out to the island, I feel like they've been abandoned." Ben explained further as he walked towards his shocked parents.

"The children of our sworn enemies? Living among us?" Beast asked unsure of his son's decision.

"We start out with a few at first, only the ones who need our help the most. I've already chosen them." Ben smiled at his parents hoping they would agree with his decision.

"Have you?" Beast questioned his son not completely on board with the plan.

"I gave you a second chance." Belle reminded her husband who once was a beast.

"Who are their parents?" She asked her son.

"Cruella De Vil...Jafar...Evil Queen...Cheshire Cat...and Maleficent." Ben listed of the five villains knowing the last one will make or break Beast and Belle's agreement. Lumiere yelped at the last name Ben said, dropping his notebook and pencil in shock.

"Maleficent! She is the worst villain in the land!" Beast exclaimed in disagreement.

"Dad, just hear me out here!" His son tried to reason with him but it was like talking with a brick wall.

"I won't hear of it. They are guilty of unspeakable crimes." Beast argued with his son as Lumiere left the room not wanting to be there anymore.

"Dad, their children are innocent. Don't you think they deserve a shot at a normal life? Dad?" Ben tried to get through to his stubborn father.

Beast stares at Belle and she believes in her son. Ben stares at them in hope that they won't stop this decision.

"I suppose their children are innocent." Beast finally agreed after a long silence trying to gather his thoughts. He knew his son was right because no man is so cruel to make the children of the villains pay for their parents crimes. It was their parents decision to unspeakable crimes and not theirs.

"Well, well done." Belle told her son proudly while fixing his suit jacket. She then walked towards her husband liking arms with him.

"Shall we?" She questioned before they left their son to dwell in his thoughts as he moved back towards the window and looked at the dark and gloomy home of the villains.

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