Chapter 5

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I've been busy the whole day with getting this date ready

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I've been busy the whole day with getting this date ready. Ben was nice enough to help me get some of the things that I need while he also got his date ready for Mal. I made kind of a scavenger hunt for Evie that will lead her towards our date at the beach. My guitar was ready for the a song that I wrote for Evie that I'm going to sing after we eat. Ben once again helped get some food that Evie loves ready and some drinks too. I got everything in a basket ready to take with me. The basket and my cloths are hidden so Mal and Evie can't see it. I haven't seen Evie the whole day. I greeted her this morning before slipping out of the room early. I really hope this works out or else it will be awkward as fuck around her and we see each other a lot.

~*Le Time Skip*~

"Hey Jax." A voice called out to me as I try to get my outfit for my date straightened out. I turned and found green eyes filled with panic staring at me.

"Why are you all dressed up?" Mal asked while looking me up and down.

"N-no reason." I lied and looked at the girl whose body language just screamed nervousness.

"Why are you so nervous?" I questioned her changing the subject.

"Do you know where Evie is?" She asked me with a panic kind of tone.

"I think she's at the picnic tables. Why?" I asked while giving Mal a concerned look.

"Ben asked me on a date. I don't know what to do." She exclaimed while pacing.

"Hey, hey no need to worry. Take a deep breath to calm down." I soothed the purple haired girl from overstressing. She did as she was told and took a couple deep slow breaths.

"Don't stress Mal. You got this. Just be yourself and everything will be okay." I advised the girl. She smiled at me and turned to go and find Evie. She stopped and turned to look at me.

"I hope you take your advise too Jax. I'm glad you and Evie are finally going on a date." She smirked at me.

"W-what?" I stuttered out while looking at her.

"Come on Jax. I know your into Evie. The boys and I saw it since we met. You and Evie act different around each other. Almost like you're a real couple. Now go and make it an official please so she can stop telling me how she whishes you would ask her out. I'd rather hear her telling me about how special you make her feel," She grinned at me but then her look turned a bit darker, "But be warned if you break her heart I will get my spell book and put the worst curse I can find, on you. Understood?" She asked with a sweet tone at the end.

I replied with a quick nod and a gulp. Mal gave me a wink before waling towards the picnic  tables to find Evie.

The Date



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