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This chapter is nearly 6k words long. WOAH. It's a long chapter with many, many emotions. Get ready and please vote and comment so I know you're enjoying the book!

Betty POV:

I let tears fall down my face as I watched Toni walk into my room, a bottle of vodka in hand. I assume she put the ice-cream in the freezer.

Toni: pretty girl, what happened? She asked as she sat beside me and wrapped the blankets over my shoulders.
Betty: my b-boyfriend cheated on me. I sobbed out.
Toni: Betty, I'm so sorry. She said as she layed next to me and hugged me.

I cuddled into her through the blankets.

Toni: who is he? She asked as she held me tight.
Betty: someone I never should have even involved myself with. I said and she nodded her head, knowing that I didn't want to speak about him anymore.
Betty: I'm so dumb T, why would I think someone loves me? I sobbed into her shoulder.

She rubbed my back and pulled herself closer to me.

Toni: I do Betts. I love my beautiful, talented, caring, cute, passionate and small ball of sunshine. She said making me smile a little through the tears.

She smiled and wiped my face with her sleeve.

Betty: thank you for coming. I said as I snuggled my head into her neck.
Toni: of course I'm here. She said softly.

We stayed in a comfortable silence as I had managed to stop crying.

I hate that he's probably fucking her right now but I'm crying over him.

Toni: why don't we go into the lounge, eat ice-cream and take shots until we throw up? She asked making me giggle.
Betty: can we do it here, I'm warm. I said and she nodded her head.
Toni: whatever you want. She said with a smile.
Toni: I'll go get some spoons. She said softly as she stood up and walked downstairs.

I sat up in bed, making space for Toni for when she came back.

She soon arrived back and sat next to me under the covers.

Before we started doing anything or watching the tv that I have in my room, I needed to tell her something very important.

Betty: T can I tell you something really important? I asked and she of course nodded her head.
Betty: I'm Bisexual. I said. Her jaw dropped but she immediately embraced me in a hug.
Toni: aw Betts I'm so proud of you. She said and I embraced her warm hug.

She spent the next few minutes congratulating me on coming out.

I really wanted to tell her incase anything were to happen between us tonight. I didn't want her to think it was because I was drunk.

Toni: who else have you told? She asked as she ate a scoop of ice-cream.
Betty: no one. I blushed. She squealed.
Toni: oh my god, that's so cool. She said excitedly. I laughed
Betty: you're the first person I told but the second person to know. I said and she grew a confused look.
Betty: I kissed a girl so I knew for sure that I was bisexual. I said and her jaw dropped.
Toni: who? She asked interestedly.
Betty: her name is Chantelle Sim- I started before she cut me off.
Toni: that hot ass model? She asked and I let out a giggle as I nodded my head.
Toni: look at you, living my dream. She said with a sigh as she ate some ice-cream.
Betty: do you want to be with Chantelle? I asked as I raised an eyebrow.
Toni: well I wouldn't necessarily be opposed to the idea. She said making us both burst into laughter.

We both calmed down from our fits of laughter and turned on the TV.

We ate ice-cream as I began to skull done some vodka. The buring feeling felt exactly how my heart was.

Am I Even Living?  ~ Swetty (Discontinued) Where stories live. Discover now