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  • Dedicated to My family for being there for me

Reality: Beta

POV: John Packer

To whom it may concern:

My name is John Packer and if you are reading this I may already be dead or at the very least, sentenced to death. I wont bore you with the sad tales of my life and so I will just tell you this, my parents were murdered by mercenaries when I was eleven and orphaned me and my little sister. I couldn't find much work and we did okay until I was eighteen, then bad went to worse. My ten year old sister, who I have been caring for for seven years, got sick with something that just barely got to our town. I needed money really bad and so I became the thing that I hated just to get money faster, a mercenary. It was going okay for a little bit, but the sickness came back so suddenly and she died that same night. I tried to get out of my mercenary life, but I had become too well known for my skills and cunning, so I quickly got tangled up in a web of jobs and back stabs.

I am writing this letter because I am going to stand up to this realities version of me, known as The Director. I know the name has been over used, but that's the name he's going with and I'm not sure if changing it will help any body. He sent his best assassin after me with a sword of his own design and thought that would kill me, thought that he wouldn't have to face me himself, but he was mistakenly wrong. I have been through to much to let some other version of me, or anyone else, kill me so easily and I will go through much more. I have a promise to keep between my dead sister and I. Director, if you are reading this before I have come for you, feel free to come for me yourself because I will be standing here still, surrounded by your dead thugs waiting for a real fight.

You know what they say, if you want something done right, just do it yourself. Death has been following me since the day my little sister died in my arms, feel free to feel my wrath.

with best wishes to everyone besides The Director,

John Packer, assassin/ head mercenary



Hey guys and girls, I have been editing some of the the parts before this. Please feel free to reread the parts that say edited. I started this book with the intent on finishing it, so don't worry if I stop writing for a while, it's probably life that has slowed me down a bit, but I will finish this book.

Please Like the book so that way I will want to write these chapters faster. Please comment on what you liked about this book or your predictions of future chapters. Please add this book to your library if you like it so that way you won't miss a update.

Have a good day/ night


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