Falling in love with death?

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  • Dedicated to Cadrian Woods


"SHANE?!" i scream, falling to my knees and covering my mouth to catch my sobs. "Shane?..." i whimper as i slowly crawl over to his lifeless body laying before me, suddenly my body starts to shake violently. "Shane..... please no, i love you" now my hands fumble over my pocket and retrieve my cell phone. trying to keep my hands from shaking, as i call 911. i cant help myself from running my fingers through his thick black hair, then down to the gash on his forehead. it's all my fault i think i shouldn't have got Shane involed, i shouldn't have told him, he knew to much, it's all my fucking fault! Why the hell do these people need to keep following me around killing everyone I love why! As soon as I hear the sirens indicating that the police have arrived I know I must leave. Just as I'm about to flee through the window I bend down and kiss Shane's cold lips one last time and run into the darkening night in Greenwed Ohio.

Chapter 1

It has been four months since I left Ohio and Shane, I still have not settled Down yet but soon I will I just need a little more time to forget the past and soak in the future. And the one thing I wish I had the most was a family that cared about me and stopped killing everyone I got serious with, and anyone who loved me more then my parents. Only being 15 makes it even harder because I am always on the run and I just wanna live a normal teenagers life. Yes my parents are the richest people in pretty much the world and I get what ever I want when ever I want but I just want love the most I want to know someone cares about me and will be there for me when I am in need. But never mind my life I need to make a few phone calls to my parents to let them know I have decided to settle in, in Rainsford Tennessee. So they can get a house in construction for me and signed up to a high school.

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