Falling in love with death?

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Chapter 11

School the next day is more then awkward, Dallas and I didn't make eye contact unless it was completely nessecary. It was kinda a emotional day for me, I hung out with Ashley for half of the day but all she could talk about was Dallas. And I wanted to avoid that subject as much a I could, so I walked away, and decided to make some new friends. After lunch I had science and guess who my science partner was...... Yep you guessed right, Dallas. What ever, one of us had to be the adult in this situation and its not like we both didn't enjoy it. I hurry to m locker grab my science text book and binder and head towards the science lab. When I arrived Dallas was already there.

"Hey, Dallas"

"Oh, hey, Jordan"

"Why are we trying to avoid each other?" He shakes his head and replies

" because I am just a whimp, Jordan I am really sorry"

"I know you are, Dallas" I smile, the. Place my books on our desk.

"Are you sure?" He asks

"I'm sure" I confirm, then sliding into the chair beside Dallas leaning over and catching his lips with mine. "I am defently, sure" I say again. He gives me a broad smile and says

"So, I thought you wanted me to go out with Ashley?"

"No, I never said I wanted you too, I said ah spikes you and I can tell you like her too, so ask her out" I give him a duh your totally wrong face.

"Oh, do you still think I do?" he says, as he outlines my jaw with his finger. I shake my head and lean into him. He wraps his arms around me, and again it just feels so right.

"Hello, Dallas can I talk to you a minute?" A voice interrupts us, I sit straight up and turn around to see who it is, and speak of the devil it's Ashton.

"Yah sure, you couldn't of picked a better time"he says, with sarcasm dripping off his lips. "Sorry, Jordan this will only take a minute" he says, his light blue eyes apologetic. I nod and say

"Take your time, I really don't mind" he gets up off the stool as walks with Ashton into the hall.

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