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Little : Jimin
Caregiver : Hoseok

Contains a VERY sad ending.

Edited ✔️


I knelt on the wet ground beside a tombstone made of pure white marble. Tears streamed down my face as I stroked the tombstone and deposited a bouquet of red roses in front of it.

"Why did you have to leave me, my little mochi?"


"The Tickle Monster's gonna get you!"

Jimin let out a high-pitched screech as he darted from room to room so that he could escape from the Tickle Monster, which was obviously me.

"Oh, yes! Finally, the Tickle Monster's got you!" I laughed, tickling Jimin's belly.

The little mochi squealed once more as I tickled him and peppered his face with lots of kisses.

"Where's daddy? I wan' daddy."

"Daddy's here, sweetheart. The Tickle Monster has now gone on vacation and he won't be coming back for a little while."

"Daddy's back!" Jimin cheered and clapped his hands.


"Daddy, I got a boo-boo!" Jimin sniffled, showing me a bruise on his knee.

"Aw, honey. What can daddy do to make his baby boy feel better?" I asked, caressing his soft cheeks.

"Can daddy gib Minnie wots of kissies an' cuddwes?"

"Of course, my sweet baby boy."

"Ooh! An' can daddy get Minnie da paci an' we watch Anpanman?"

"Sure thing, honey. We can."

I ran to his room to get him his pacifier and a stuffie. I popped the pacifier into his mouth and gave him a kiss on his nose. He giggled from behind the pacifier.

I turned on the television set and we sat on the couch, wrapped up in a fuzzy blanket.


But those days were over.

I sighed, staring at Jimin's empty nursery. I closed my eyes, hoping that this was just a dream and I would eventually wake up to see Jimin laying beside me in bed with a pacifier in his mouth.

But this was real, very real.


"I have to go to work, Hobi-hyung."

"Are you sure you're gonna be fine by yourself? I'm a bit worried."

"Hyung, I'm not in littlespace right now. And don't worry, I'll be fine."


I sat in the waiting room, praying for my mochi to be alright.

I immediately left for the hospital once I heard about Jimin being involved in an awful car accident.

"Mr Jung, you can visit him now."

"Thank you, doctor."

I entered Jimin's room. My heart broke to see him in such a pathetic condition.

I sobbed as I held his hand and kissed it. I stayed by his side, refusing to let go.

Suddenly, I heard the monitor beside him let out a long beep.

My worst nightmare had come true.


I sat on his bed and hugged one of his favourite stuffies. It smelled like him.

I sobbed harder and harder as the minutes went by.

I let out a loud wail, similar to the sound of a dying animal. I cried about how unfair life was. I was pissed off with God for taking him away from me.

The boy was my everything. He was my sunshine, and I was his. Without him, life was depressing and monotonous.

I was about to let out another mournful wail when I suddenly heard a familiar voice.

"Daddy? Chu nuh cwy! Minnie make daddy feew 'appy!"


"Minnie?" I managed to say.

"Dada!" Jimin was standing right in front of me, staring at me with wide eyes.

"Minnie! Is that really you?" I asked, reaching out to touch his hand, which was as cold as ice.

"Siwwy daddy, of couwse ish Minnie!"

"But why is Minnie's hand cold?"

"Cowd? Swomethin' w'ong wif Minnie?" he said in a trembling voice. His eyes turned glossy and his bottom lip trembled.

"No, no, don't cry! You know daddy loves you very much, right?" I said, picking up the little and cradling him.

Jimin nodded. I smiled at him and pinched one of his cold cheeks. He giggled, making me coo.

"I love you Jiminie."

"I love you too, Hobi-hyung."

"You slipped out of littlespace?"


"That's alright, I'll always love you and Minnie equally."


"Hyung, I'm fading away."

"Please tell me you're kidding."

"Unfortunately, I'm not."

I stared at him, he was indeed fading away. Tears began to stream down my face as I watched the love of my life slowly begin to disappear.

"Please, no, no! This can't be happening! I don't wanna lose you again!"

"Hoseok-hyung, it's alright. You may not be able to see me anymore, but I'll still be in here." said Jimin, pointing to my chest.

"Jimin-ah, please! Don't leave!" I yelled, pulling his translucent body closer to me.

"Thank you for everything you've done for me...daddy."

I was alone.



A/N : Don't worry, the next one-shot is gonna be a happy one, I promise!

𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐬𝐩𝐚𝐜𝐞 ☆ 𝑩𝑻𝑺 𝑳𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆𝒔𝒑𝒂𝒄𝒆 𝑺𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔Where stories live. Discover now