5K 137 132

Little : Taehyung
Caregiver : Jungkook
Featuring our beloved Hwarang hyungs and the SHINee members! In case you have no idea who the actors are, just go to Google since I don't have the energy to explain who is who in the drama. If you already know, then HOORAY! Good for you! Sorry if there isn't much Vkook at the beginning.

Warning : Spoiler alert (a little)

Requested by fictionalspace

"Cut!" yelled the director, "You're supposed to add more emotion! Nobody wants to see a hwarang who looks dead before his actual death in the future!"

"Yes, director-nim." sighed Taehyung, bowing.

"You better get it right next time," snarled the director, "Get ready for the next take!"

Taehyung tried again.

"Cut! Do it again!"

"Cut! I don't see any improvement! Again!"


"What's wrong with you?! Do it again!"

Taehyung's head suddenly began to ache. His breathing became more ragged as he struggled to stand up on his own.

"Oh, dear. What's happening?" said Minho, rushing towards Taehyung.

"Taehyung-ah, are you okay?" he asked.

That was all Taehyung could hear before he was out cold.


"What happened to him?" asked Seojoon.

"I think he's exhausted." said Hyungsik.

"He should have been given the role of Dog-Bird instead of Seojoon-hyung." said Yoonwoo, playing with a paper fan.

"No wonder you got picked to act as Yeowool." snapped Seojoon.

"He's waking up." whispered Minho.

Taehyung's eyelids fluttered open. He let out a high-pitched whine.

"Taehyung-ah, are you alright?" said Hyungsik.

Taehyung just stared at Hyungsik like he was the most amazing thing in the world.

"He's not answering," said Hyungsik, "I'm getting scared."

Taehyung giggled, reaching for a strand of the wig that Hyungsik was wearing.

"Oh! I know what's happening!" gasped Minho excitedly.

He sat down beside Taehyung.

"Hewwo, Tae-Tae!" he said, his voice becoming high-pitched and childlike.

Taehyung squealed and clapped.

"Wan' pway wif Min-Min?" asked Minho.

Taehyung giggled.

"Bu' Min-Min hab no toys..." Minho sniffled.

"Woah, what just happened here?" asked Yoonwoo.

"I don't know." replied Seojoon.

"Minho-ah," said Hyungsik, "Would you mind explaining what's going on?"

"Jus' feew wittwe..." replied Minho, his voice trailing off at the end.

"Feeling little? What do you mean?"

Minho shook his head, unable to explain the concept of littlespace since his headspace didn't allow him to do so.

"Daddy can teww chu." he finally said.

"Daddy?" asked Seojoon.

Minho nodded and pulled out his phone.

"Dis daddy!" said Minho excitedly, holding up the phone for Seojoon to see.

"It's Jonghyun-hyung! I think we should call him." said Yoonwoo.

"Good idea." said Hyungsik.

"Caww Tae-Tae's daddy awso. He feewin' wittwe too!" said Minho.

"Who's Taehyung's daddy?" asked Seojoon?

Minho shrugged. "I dunno..."

Seojoon scrolled through a few BTS photos and placed the phone in front of Taehyung.

"Dada?" gurgled Taehyung, his eyes solely focused on Jungkook in a group photo.

"Good. Now we know what to do." said Hyungsik.




"Are you here to pick up Taehyung?"

"Yeah, hyung. Are you picking up Minho-hyung?"

"Yeah. He was feeling little."

"Oh! Taehyung-hyung is a little too! How is Minho when he's little?"

"He's pretty obedient. He does get a bit fussy when he's in babyspace, but he's mostly fine. What about Taehyung?"

"There isn't much to say because he's in babyspace all the time. He's very giggly and very friendly. He can bite and get a bit rough with me while I breastfeed him, but he's a good baby."

"That's good to hear. Now, we mustn't keep our babies waiting. They need us!"

"Yes, hyung."


"Daddy!" giggled Minho, hopping into Jonghyun's arms.

"How was my little Min-Min today?" asked Jonghyun.

"Pwayed a bit wif baby Tae-Tae an' hyungies!"

"That's good. Ready to go home, baby?"

"Yesh, daddy."

"Okay, let's go."

Meanwhile, Jungkook picked up Taehyung and kissed his forehead.

"How has he been?" asked Jungkook.

"They were little angels. It was like they were kids again." said Hyungsik, smiling.

"It's a coping mechanism for him. When he gets stressed, he slips into the mindset of a baby to relax." explained Jungkook.

"They're so cute!" giggled Yoonwoo.

"You're right, they are." chuckled Seojoon.


"Let's get you into your little onesie, shall we?" said Jungkook, removing Taehyung's clothes and dressing him up in a cute tiger onesie.

Taehyung giggled and babbled incoherently.

"Oh, my precious little bean." cooed Jungkook, picking Taehyung up and carrying him to his bedroom.

He placed the adult baby into his crib and sang him a lullaby, causing the the latter to fall asleep fast.

"Good night, baby boy." said Jungkook.


A/N : Sorry, there wasn't enough Vkook to satisfy the Vkook shippers.
By the way, I just watched the dreaded episode 18 of Hwarang and I'm sad :'(
Anyways, I thought this would be a good idea, so I wrote this story and...yeah.
And a belated happy birthday to our dear Jonghyun. We love you, and may you rest in peace.

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