16 - Surprise Party for Alya

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Words: 1176
Chapter Summary: It's Alya's birthday and she is arriving to her party! They celebrate her birthday and true friendship. Marinette and Adrien are giving the fans much more shipping material, and Marinette finally posts the highly-anticipated video.
Author's Note: I'm so busy I'm running out of time to write buuuut these next few chapters are real fun. I love writing this story, and I hope you enjoy reading it!


As Nino was distracting Alya, all of her friends were showing up at the bakery. Marinette and Adrien had most of the decorations set up, no thanks to the vlogging, but it was looking good! The tables had red and black tablecloths, flower centerpieces, and hanging decorations were all over the room.

"This looks great, Marinette!" Rose told her, looking around the room.

Rose pulled her into a hug after a few seconds. "It would not have looked as good without Adrien's help!"

"Good thing he was there, then," She said. "Alya's going to love it!"

"I hope so," Marinette said. "Or else she'd have a pretty boring birthday."

Rose giggled and turned to talk to another person passing by. She admired the work in the bakery and looked around at all her friends chatting and already having fun. There were only a few minutes until the plan would go into action; Nino was going to text her once they started getting close, and everyone would hide. Though Marinette was a little anxious that the plan wouldn't work, she was still excited nonetheless.

"Here we have Mari, admiring all of my hard work," Adrien's voice approached Marinette from behind, startling her a little. He was holding her camera, yet again, with a wide smile on his face. She chuckled and shook her head at Adrien. "What, you don't like me vlogging for you?"

"I don't like that you're better at it than me," Marinette confessed, instinctively speaking in English.

Adrien giggled from behind the camera. "So what you're saying is I can have your channel?"

"No way!" She shouted, turning around quickly to grab the camera out of Adrien's hands. "Adrien! Give it back!" She screamed, back in French. She chased Adrien around until he realized he was taller, and could just hold it above him and Marinette wouldn't be able to get it from him. She jumped at it, saying slightly rude things in French. Once Adrien was laughing as hard as he could, Marinette stopped and stared at him, mentally switching back to English. "I will throw you across Paris, Adrien."

He shook his head and lowered the camera. "I don't think I want that to happen, Mari," He said, giving her back the camera. "You win."

Just as she got her camera back with a smirk, she got the text from Nino. "They're almost here!" She shouted to the group, and everyone ran to their pre-planned hiding spots. Some hid behind the counter, some next to the display case. She set the camera on the table, pointed towards the door to get Alya's reaction. Marinette was wrapped in one of the curtains for the windows, Adrien in the other one. The lights were dimmed, and the "open" sign was turned on for only these few minutes. 

Everyone had party hats on, and either had confetti poppers or one of the whistles to make noise when she would enter. Even her parents hid behind the door to the backroom, ready to surprise their daughter's best friend. Only a few minutes after they all got into position, the door opened slowly as Alya and Nino's voices were heard in the bakery. Before Alya even knew what was happening, all of her friends jumped out and screamed "Surprise!" while pulling the confetti poppers, or making various noises. Alya's hand covered her mouth, and tears were welling in her eyes before bursting into fits of laughter.

"You guys normally don't get me, but you did!" She called out. 

Marinette put her arm around Alya with a sly smile. "It's been a work in progress for months to get this to work," She said. "It's your eighteenth birthday, we had to go big," Marinette said. "We got lucky your birthday landed on a Saturday this year," She explained. Even though the camera was recording, she was speaking in French with her friends. It would just mean subtitles would come into play when editing. 

"How have you been planning this for months?" Alya chuckled. 

Adrien piped up. "Marinette told Nino and me about this plan a few months ago. We had to make sure you would have no idea we were planning a surprise party. We had to convince you so much so that I forgot that it was part of the plan- I was starting to think we weren't doing it!" He laughed. "We kept mentioning things about your birthday, dropping hints about what we were planning, and it was everything but a party. I'm happy to say Mari's plan worked!"

Marinette smiled at her best friend as Alya tried to figure it all out. Marinette waltzed over to grab her camera, and stuck it in Alya's face. "So, we did surprise you? Nino didn't spill the beans?" She asked.

"Yes, you did. I'm still confused about how Nino didn't somehow mention it to me," Alya glanced at Nino. "Normally, he's terrible at keeping secrets from me."

"This one was important," Nino justified. "Plus, as Adrien said, we did so much to convince you that we weren't having a party that I think I convinced myself until about yesterday," He confessed.

The group burst into laughter, and there were smiles all over the room. Marinette's parents brought out the food and the giant cake, and the rest of Alya's friends showed her to her pile of presents from everyone. After a few minutes of capturing this celebratory day, Marinette put the camera down and just enjoyed the time she had with her friends. Yet, something wasn't sitting right in her mind. 

It had been too peaceful these past few days.


As soon as Marinette pressed upload on her newest video, she knew people were going to freak out and lose their minds. She saved the video for a few days, and once it was finally ready, she listened to Adrien and Alya and got over it and posted the video.

Immediately, views were racking up, and people were commenting. Her fan base had no idea she was planning this, and she was ready to witness the craziness of the comments.


play this video at my funeral


Wowie look at those connections! Such fantastic art with such a fantastic duo!! LOVE IT

oh, no...my shipping heart...who do I ship now?


Their dynamic is like they've known each other for years. I mean, I guess they kind of have. I wonder if Marinette knows him under the mask?

Chat Noir surprisingly speaks English really well. Honestly was not expecting it to be that good.


Marinette giggled at some of the comments that were already piling in. Without another thought, she called for Tikki. As soon as she transformed, she jumped off her balcony to run around the rooftops of Paris to find a certain kitty-cat that would want to watch the video. She did make a promise to him...

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