44 - Aftermath

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Words: 1214
Chapter Summary: After the recent events, Marinette and Adrien have a lot to do on a limited amount of time. What will they find out?
Author's Note: Late upload! It's been a busy week. We could be getting near the end of this story soon...


@AdrienAgreste we are here for you. I'm sorry you guys have to go through this. 

I'm so upset that g*br*el agr*st* is fighting his own son, you gotta be really messed up to think that's okay

We should have seen this coming, but the real question is why is hawkmoth doing these things, he's already got so much?

lol if gabriel agreste thought he had a broken family before it's nonexistent now

I feel really bad for everything going on but I still can't figure out what he meant about Alya and Nino? Are they the other Miraculous holders??


adrien doesn't deserve this. clear his mentions with love and support. him and marinette. we know they will get through this, they're our heroes and we wouldn't want anyone else.

Three days of non-stop tweets, comments, videos, and reports. Three days of their transformation on every screen. Three days of no sign of Hawkmoth. Three days of investigating and searching. Three days of barely any sleep.

Marinette was worried about Adrien, as was most of the world, and she knew they had to act quickly before GabriMoth did anything he would regret. 

"Adrien," Marinette said and handed him a glass of water. "You need to take your eyes off the computer. Trust me, I know how much it can hurt after hours of nothing but screens," Marinette tried to persuade him to take a break.

Adrien sighed and took a sip of the water, only to please Marinette. "Mari, I can't. I can't let my father be out there, able to do whatever. We have to find him."

Marinette nodded. "And we will. Now that things have sort of calmed down around your house, let's go survey everything. See if they left anything behind that gives us a hint as to where they are, and maybe even see if we can find your bodyguard and ask him what he knew."

"I'm pretty sure he had no idea about my father," Adrien said. "But it never hurts to ask."

"Great," Marinette smiled. "I'm going to call the team and update them on our stations and plan; you go eat the snack my mom made," She pointed to the trap door to force Adrien to go.

"Marinette, I'll be fine-"

"Uh-uh," She shook her head. "I already ate the snack. Go eat so we can be at our top game for when we go back. Who knows how long we'll be out," She reasoned, and pushed him to make him go. Finally, he agreed with a slight smile and walked out of the room. Marinette had Alya, Nino, and Chloé on lookout around Paris as long as she could. They were to keep an eye out for suspicious activity so Marinette and Adrien could do remote work. They were a little worried about Hawkmoth knowing Rena Rouge and Carapace's identities, but in reality, it makes some sense.

Marinette explained what was going on to Alya and asked her to relay the message to the other two. As soon as she got off the phone, Marinette went downstairs to gather Adrien and the Kwamis, which were finally introduced to Sabine and Tom. 

"I'm impressed you got him to listen!" Sabine complimented when Marinette walked into the kitchen.

Marinette shrugged with a smile. "I think you knew you needed to eat, too," She reasoned with Adrien, who only nodded in response. "Deep down."

Adrien shook his head, ultimately agreeing with Marinette, and thanked Sabine for the snack. "We've got some work to do. We'll be back later," Marinette told her mother.

"Be safe," Sabine replied and sighed as soon as the door shut, as she will never stop being worried about them. 


The Agreste Mansion had police tape surrounding it, and it was locked up, tight. They wanted to keep tourists away, and make sure if Hawkmoth tried to get back in, it would be a lot harder than before. Thankfully, Marinette and Adrien still had access to the mansion, as well as Gorilla, because there had been no accusations against him. 

Ladybug and Chat Noir went through the gate and the front door, making to lock it back up when they got inside. "We need to go check his office and the lair first," Chat Noir directed. "Grab everything Miraculous related behind my mother's picture I'll see if there's anything else besides butterflies," He explained and started to lead the way back to the office.

The picture was still open from the gala the other day, so at least they didn't have to pry it open or detransform to get one t]of the Kwami's to open it. Marinette grabbed the bag she brought along and piled everything into it that even had a slight relation to the Miraculous or Hawkmoth- which was most of the things in the cabinet. 

Adrien was having a tough time finding the spot on the floor that took him to the lair, but he could have sworn it was right where he was standing. "Why is it not working?" He grumbled. "Oh, maybe- Plagg, claws off!" But no, that didn't work either. It was like it was turned off and not accessible anymore. 

"What's wrong with it?" Ladybug asked. Adrien groaned and turned back into Chat Noir, not explaining what happened. "Well, that's okay. We can come back later. Let's take this stuff to Master Fu and see what he knows about it all. Maybe we'll get some hints," She suggested.

Chat Noir nodded. "That's a good idea. Maybe he'll have an extra dose of that sleeping cure he made," He joked, barely a smile on his face.

"I'm sure we can ask him about that, too," Ladybug said.

Ladybug and Chat Noir ran across rooftops to get to Master Fu's salon as fast as they could. They talked over the phone the day after the gala, but it was high time they caught him up to speed in person and get some expert advice.

After detransforming in the alley nearby, they walked around the corner and into the shop. "Master Fu?" Marinette called out as they walked into the shop. "It's Marinette and Adrien."

"Ah, welcome, you two!" Master Fu called out as he came out from the back. "Adrien, I am deeply sorry for everything that's happening. We will figure this out," Master Fu promised.

"Thank you," Adrien said. "We got a few things from the house, but we still have to go back to investigate a bit more, but hopefully we can get something from this," Adrien handed him the bag.

Marinette opened her mouth before they could start talking about the contents of the bag. "Oh, real quick," She interrupted. "Adrien hasn't been sleeping these past few days. Do you have any leftover of that cure you gave us a while ago? Maybe it wore off," She reasoned.

Master Fu laughed before realizing she was serious. "I'm sorry, but the cure was a placebo. It was fake! I guess you two just felt more comfortable together," Master Fu winked.

"A fake?" Both Marinette and Adrien exclaimed. Well, at least it proves that they really need each other for more than one reason. 

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