46 - Sneaking Off

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Words: 1360
Chapter Summary: Adrien sneaks out to go back to the mansion. He needs to keep investigating, but someone followed him there. What will he find?
Author's Note: Well, Marinette had her stressed moments after the reveal. It's Adrien's turn for some angst. I loved writing this chapter and I can't believe we're almost done with this story.


Adrien moved as quietly as he could to get out of Marinette's balcony. Luckily, he only had to get past Marinette, as the other three were asleep in the living room. But he and Marinette shared the room, and he knew she would kill him if she found Adrien leaving.

After a long night, they were nearly certain Hawkmoth (and his Kwami) were too tired to send out another Akuma, so they deemed it safe enough to sleep. That way, they could be fully rested and ready to get to work in the morning. Though everyone was exhausted, Adrien still had trouble sleeping. He wouldn't sleep until his father was defeated.

"I don't think this is a good idea," Plagg reasoned once they were on the balcony.

"Shh," Adrien hushed. "I have to do this, and you know that," Adrien said. Plagg didn't argue, knowing that Adrien was right. "Plagg, claws out," He said, as quiet as he could, and the bright green light flashed quickly. As soon as Adrien was Chat Noir, he took off toward the Agreste Mansion. He knew there was something else there, and he had to get into the area where the moths stay. His father is Hawkmoth for some reason, and Adrien is determined to figure it out.

Chat Noir ran across rooftops and practically flew to the mansion. He went through the back door to make sure no one would see or be alarmed, but that was the only logical side of his mind at this point. He knew it was going to be a lot of trouble getting into the secret room, but he would do whatever it takes to get in. 

As Chat Noir turned on the lights in his father's office, he could hear Plagg nagging to him how Marinette wouldn't approve of him doing this alone and that it's dangerous. What if Hawkmoth finds out?

"Hawkmoth won't be stupid enough to come back here," Chat Noir said out loud to no one, mainly trying to calm his mind and his Kwami. "I just need to get in," He huffed to himself.

He started walking around the office to make sure nothing else was hidden. He knew right where the spot was that brought him into the lair, but it still wasn't working. He transformed and tried that way, but no luck. He walked in and out of the office multiple times, trying to trigger it, but it was like it was shut off and not letting anyone in. Adrien was quickly getting frustrated, and he didn't know where to go from here.

"It's not working!" Adrien shouted and kicked the wall. He took a deep breath and turned around, his back now against the wall, and slid down to sit on the floor. 

"Adrien," Plagg flew in front of him. He knew he could make Adrien even more upset, but he had to try. "Maybe we should go back to the bakery, get you something to eat, go to sleep, and come back in the morning with Marinette. She can help us figure this out," Plagg tried to talk some sense into Adrien.

Adrien shook his head. "No," He deadpanned. "Marinette doesn't even want us to come back here, she won't understand," Adrien said and stood back up. "There's one more option. Plagg, claws out!" He shouted. Once back as Chat Noir, he stood in front of the spot on the floor. Raising his hand, he started to call for his power. "Cata-"

"Don't even think about doing that," A voice came from behind Chat Noir. He jumped and never finished saying his magic word, even more surprised to see Rena Rouge standing in the doorway. "What do you think you're doing, Adrien?"

Chat Noir took another deep breath and put his hand down. "How did you know I was here?" He asked, dodging Rena's question. 

"You know I'm observant," She said. "Plus, I got had trouble sleeping and got up to get some water. Just so happened to see a bright flash of green and knew you were up to something," Rena Rouge explained.

"I'm not going back now; you can't stop me. I have to do this," He argued.

Rena Rouge shook her head. "Oh, I'm not here to stop you. I'm here to help you," She said. "We're not going to do this where you damage your house, though. This is your house; there's got to be another way in," She reasoned.

"I've tried everything I can think of, it's not opening," He sighed.

"Okay, so what do you think Hawkmoth does when the power goes out? There's got to be an override around here somewhere," Rena Rouge said. "Behind a painting, a book, in a drawer?" They both started looking in every nook and cranny to find where an override would be.

Chat Noir gasped when he opened a normally locked drawer in his father's desk. "You were right!" He said when he saw a button hidden on the side of the drawer. A few seconds after he pushed it, there was a slight rumbling, and the circle in the floor disappeared.

Rena Rouge smirked. "See, sometimes I have good ideas. After you," She extended her hand and let Adrien jump down the hole. He used his baton to help him down slowly, and Rena Rouge was right behind him. They stepped into the dark room, and it was lit up by only the moon coming in from the skylight. White moths surrounded the room, and frankly, it was a bit creepy.

"Woah," Rena Rouge said, not really sure what else to do. What were they even looking for? "Where did he even get all of these moths?" She asked.

"No idea," Chat Noir sighed and started to walk around the room. 

Rena Rouge walked around, looking for anything that stuck out. "I can't believe he was right under our noses the whole time."

Chat Noir nodded in agreement. "This is weird. How is there nothing here?" He huffed. He walked to the front of the room, barely looking out the window, and turned around to face the moths. He watched as Rena Rouge looked at the walls, when he noticed something weird about the moths. "Wait, they're coming from somewhere," He concluded and walked to the opposite corner. There was a vent in the corner, which was mainly open, and moths were feeding out of it and going back in. "Where does this lead?" He pointed.

"That's weird," Rena Rouge commented. "I would think the elevator would go down all the way. There might be another room below," She said and walked back over to the spot in the floor. She stood on it and jumped, but it didn't budge. "Another button, maybe?" She walked over to the wall again and started running her hand down it.

"There's no time," Chat Noir said. "Cataclysm!" He shouted and put his hand on the elevator. Rena Rouge had no time to process it, and it was over before she even opened her mouth. She knew he was thinking rash, but this could have killed them and ruined everything below him. Luckily, it only destroyed the elevator, but that didn't stop Rena Rouge from scolding Chat Noir.

They propelled down the hole again and landed in what looked like a garden with a long bridge. It was crazy how Adrine lived in this house his whole life, and never once knew about either of these rooms. What else could his father be hiding from him?

The garden was filled with plants with white buds, and it was beautiful. The two heroes crossed the bridge and were confused when they saw something that wasn't a flower. "Huh, what is this?" Rena asked. "Looks like a fancy coffin."

"This is very strange," Chat Noir said. She put his hand on the coffin look-alike, and jumped back when it opened. Rena and Chat stared at it, neither of them saying a word.

What felt like an eternity of silence passed before someone spoke. Adrien had tears welling up in his eyes, and his knees collapsed on him. "Mom?" He cried.

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