33 - Fabric Shopping Shenanigans

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Chapter Summary: Alya and Marinette discuss the Akuma from yesterday and record a video of them fabric shopping. Later, it's the rematch of the century as Adrien and Marinette take on Rainbow Road again. Will Adrien beat the queen of video games?
Author's Note: though this chapter is a lot less action filled, I still love it. Wingwoman Alya, clueless Adrien, what more can we need? There are a lot of cuts, lots I wanted to fit into this chapter!!


The next day, Friday

Tikki, like usual nowadays, woke Marinette up while Plagg just screamed at Adrien to get up. They were beat from the fight yesterday and barely talked when they got back to the bakery, falling right asleep. Master Fu's cure must be working if they've been sleeping so well. But when she woke up, she did not hear the endless Plagg nagging. Though confused, Marinette checked her phone to ask Adrien where he is.

But before she got the chance to ask him, he had already sent a text to her.

Adrien: Sorry, I had to meet Nino at school early! Helping him with a project and I forgot to tell you! I'll see you in class :)

Marinette shrugged it off and started to get ready. She was still a little tired from the day before, but she would tough it out, and things would go back to normal. Maybe now that Hawkmoth knows there are other heroes, he'll just give up. But that's wishful thinking.

Like normal, Marinette had taken too much time to get ready and was darting out the door to get to class on time. Alya told her to bring her camera because they had plans after school, and with that in one hand, she was juggling everything else.

"You'd think a girl with superpowers would learn to use them to be on time," Alya giggled when Marinette got in the classroom with only a minute to spare.

"I still made it here, didn't I?" Marinette smirked. "It's tough work getting all my stuff done, and to show up on time."

Alya leaned in closer to Marinette. "So," She started. "What's up with you and Adrien?"

Marinette's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What do you mean?"

Alya sighed. "I saw you guys kiss yesterday. Then you guys went back to your house? And you're going to tell me what do you mean?" Alya asked.

"Oh," She chuckled. "Nothing happened. We went home and fell asleep. We were tired. Then this morning he had to leave early to meet Nino."

"Are you kidding me?" Alya asked. "You guys are going to talk about it, right?"

"Probably. It's not my main priority, though. If it comes up, great. If we're too busy to talk about it first thing, that's fine, too."

Alya rolled her eyes. "You drive me crazy."

"It's what I'm best at," Marinette shrugged, and they opened up their books to actually pay attention in class.


Adrien: Are you busy tonight?

Mari: Alya and I are going fabric shopping and other shenanigans for a video. But after that I'm free.

Adrien: I need a rematch on rainbow road

Mari: you brought this upon yourself, Agreste, prepare to lose. AGAIN!

Adrien: Oh no, I'm ready. I shall prevail.

Mari: you better be ready to put your money where your mouth is

Mari: haha I'm with Alya right now and she says we should live stream our rematch

Adrien: I'm down. I need the world to see me finally win against Ladybug!!

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