Chapter 15

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Lisa's PoV

"Faster, Manoban!" Coach shouted while I was doing my push-ups

Does he think this is easy? Psh. I dare him to do this. I thought to myself

I did another set of push-ups before standing up. I looked around and I saw the cheerleading team entering the gym. I smiled when I caught a glimpse of an angel.

"You wouldn't have needed to do that if you just came on time," Seulgi sermoned as I drank and sat on the bench

"I needed to talk to Irene," I answered and she threw me a dagger look that made me laugh

"HAHAHAHAHA! Your face!" I told her and our other friends (Ten, Bambam, Jisoo) gathered around us

"I swear, Lisa. I might just forget that we're friends and just punch you," Seulgi warned and she sighed

"You have your Irene. I have my Jennie, capt," I told her

"So, why did you need to talk to her?" Jisoo asked

"For--" But we were cut off when we were shouted at

"Just 'cause you're the first five, doesn't mean you can slack off!" Couch said because everyone's in their place already so we rushed to them

"Someone's in a bad mood," Ten whispered

"Shh!" Seulgi stopped us from talking

The training started. It was hard. It was difficult. It was heavy. It was tough. It was every synonym of painful. It's our road to the final four and every team is giving it their all. We should also step up our game.

I was just lying on the floor because I was so tired after the training. Then I felt that the light was covered by someone. I opened my eyes and I was greeted by the most beautiful pair of eyes I've ever seen. Right after I confirmed that Jennie is feeling something for me too, I have been more secured so it's fine if Kai hangs out with her since I trust her enough. Well, as long as Kai doesn't cross his boundaries.

"Stand up, Manoban. It's not fine if your back's flat on the floor full of sweat," Jennie said strictly

After that night, we also grew closer. I can feel her concern for me even though she acts like she doesn't care about me. She also allows me to hold her hand, tuck her under my arm, hug her from behind and stuff. Some people say we look like a couple but no, not yet. I'm fine with what we have now, I don't want to rush things out.

"I'm pretty sure I haven't died yet," I closed my eyes again

"What are you saying, assface?" Jennie asked

"You look like an angel," I said and I looked at her shaking her head while smiling

"You're an idiot," She replied

"Bish. How sure are you that you're going to heaven?" Jisoo asked that made our friends laugh and I frowned

"Come on, sit up," Jennie said

I reached my arms up and she got it. She helped me sit up and she handed me a bottle of water. I drank it as she wipes my sweat away with a towel. I looked at her with full admiration.

"You're staring," She stated the obvious

"How can a person be this pretty?" I responded and she just hit me on my shoulder

"Lisa! Change your clothes so we can go already!" Bambam said

"I didn't know we live in the same house," I told him

"Yeah, tonight we will be sleeping in the same place. We're going to sleep in your place. We all are," Bambam stated

"You made plans with me and you just informed me today," I sighed and I stood up to grab my stuff

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