Chapter 33

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Jennie's PoV

"Babe!" Hanbin called and he tried to kiss my lips but I pulled away before his lips touch mine

"What's wrong?" He asked with creased brows

We are here in my clinic and I asked him to come because I want to end this once and for all. I don't care if he's gonna go berserk or something as long as I can just say that Lisa is the one that I want. Lisa deserves that.

"Let's stop this nonsense, Hanbin," He looked at me unbelievably

"What?" He asked

"Let's stop this. I don't love you anymore. I love Lisa. I'm sure you know that," I straight-forwardly told him and his eyes changed from confused to mad

"I stopped loving you when you disrespected my parents in my face," I said

"I told you you're just mine!" Hanbin said and he kicked my table

I wasn't startled. I am used to it. Hanbin opened the window as he gestured that he's gonna jump off.

"If you wanted to do that, you wouldn't have announced it," I told Hanbin and I walked to the door

"You can do better than this, Hanbin. Don't get stuck with the idea that you love me because you just don't want the feeling of being alone," I said before walking out of the door

It feels good to be free of Hanbin. At least now I can just make it up for Lisa and it will be a tough one to crack but it's fine. No matter how tough that woman is, I won't let her resist me.

"Luna, I'll be going," I told my assistant

"But Jen, you won't be done after 2 hours," She reminded me

"Well, my clinic isn't suitable for any medical stuff. It's dangerous in there," I told her and I proceeded to get a cab

I rode the cab to Lisa's condo unit and what welcomed me is a mess of Leo's toys.

"Mommy!" Leo giggled as he ran towards me

"When did you arrive, baby?" I asked as I kissed his forehead

"Earlier. Babba picked me up!" Leo replied and he pointed at Lisa who was busy in front of her laptop

"But she's not playing with me," Leo pouted

"I'll talk to Babba, alright? You play there and let's see if we can get her to play with you," I told him

"Thank you, mommy!" Leo cheered

I walked to the table where Lisa is working and I massaged her from behind. I heard her small groans. She loves it whenever I do this.

"I thought this unit is a non-working area," I told her

"I need to finish this, Jennie. So, please," Lisa said but I didn't stop

I leaned close to her ear so that Leo won't hear us.

"Your mouth is telling no but your body's telling me yes," I whispered as I kissed her earlobe

Lisa stiffened before she stood up. She cleaned her stuff up and I was just watching her. Her ears were red. She's feeling warm. I know that. I smirked at myself because I am doing a good job.

"What are you doing, Jennie?" She asked when she finished cleaning up

"I'm doing my part as your fiancé," I answered

"I thought you stopped before I even proposed," She sarcastically replied

"Then let me begin again," I persistently said and she just rolled her eyes

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