Chapter 29

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Jennie's PoV

I woke up because I felt Lisa's arm was being removed on my waist. I creased my brows when I looked at her and she chuckled as she kissed my forehead

"It's too early for you to be mad," She told me

"Where are you going?" I asked with my low voice and I tried to sit up but I was stopped because I felt another arm resting on my waist

"Baby," I smiled to myself as I pecked a kiss on Leo's forehead and I went back to my original place

Lisa was just standing on the side of the bed and she was looking at us lovingly.

"You would really look good if you were his mom," She said

"Just answer my question, Manoban. Where are you going at..." I looked at the alarm clock on the bedside table

"...6:30 in the morning?" I continued

"Wifey, I told you I have work to do," She replied and I can't help but feel giddy because she called me our endearment

"Make sure it's work and not girls, Manoban," I warned

Lisa laughed and she kissed me on my cheek.

"Go back to sleep. I'll be back to pick up li'l Leo later," Lisa told me and she went out of the room

I looked at the kid beside me. He was sleeping peacefully as he hugged me. I hugged him back. I know that what I'm doing is wrong because I have a boyfriend but I can't bring myself to stop. I can't miss these precious moments.

I went back to sleep with Leo.

"Mommy! Mommy!" And I felt a shake on my shoulder

"Hm?" I replied with my eyes closed

"Mommy! Wake up!" Leo said so I opened my eyes

I peaked at Leo and smiled at him. Leo grinned and he hugged my nape. I hugged him back then he rained my face with kisses.

"Let's go out, mommy!" He said

"Wait for me here, baby," I told him as I stood up as I do my morning routine

When I went out the bathroom, I saw Leo playing with his toy car on the floor. He was just okay even though nobody is playing with him.

"Baby, come on," I called and I went to the door

Leo quickly stood up and he ran to me. I carried him and I kissed his cheek. I wonder when Lisa and I will have our own kids.

"Good morning!" Leo greeted when we went down the stairs

I brought him down and everyone in the house just looked at him and Leo greeted them one by one.

"Day-off?" Nancy asked as she gave me a cup of coffee

"Yeah," I said as I accepted it

"Good morning, granddad," I greeted when I went to the dining table

"Oh. Great. We're complete. Let's eat!" Granddad said

It was just me, Nancy, Leo, Granddad, and Taehyung. I don't know where my parents are and my other cousins are working. It must be also be Taehyung's and Nancy's days-off.

I put Leo next to me and I will be feeding him.

"I can feed Leo, unnie," Nancy offered but I refused by shaking my head

"I can take care of my kid, Nancy. Thank you," I replied but she scoffed

"The nerve of you to call him your kid when you have a boyfriend," Nancy replied that made my blood boil

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