Author's note

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Authors note: I think I know where to take this story now. OMG finally the essence of romance and drama has come back in my head lol. 

I love Furqan and Ala, they're my favourite characters. I want to do them justice. InShaaAllah I will complete this soon and go on to the next story which is a historical fiction I am so excited about. It's more of what the 22 year old me finds interesting now.

Honestly if you guys have any suggestions of where you want the characters to go, do message me. I think that would be a good motivator and may also guide me. Thank you so much for your patience. I know what's it's like to have an unfinished book in my library, thank you for your patience <3

peeps, I am trying to lose weight that I've gained over the past year, keep me in your prayers please. I need to shred this weight because of these dresses I want to wear which I can't right now because I wouldn't do justice to them or myself :'(


Love, Umaima
Please continue being patient with me
Thank you
I love everyone who reads my story, really :* <3

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