Chapter 4

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(3rd Person POV)
When the time has come and the dark sky is hit with the bright, rising sun, Adrien grabs his schoolbag and Plagg flies into his shirt. The boy makes his way down the stairs, passing Nathalie at the bottom.

"Bye, Nathalie!"


Adrien stopped and turned to her.

"Did you eat breakfast?" The lady asks.

The boy shakes his head.

"Go eat breakfast. Then you can go to school," Nathalie demands.

Adrien sighs and walks over to the kitchen. He takes a croissant and puts it in his mouth, feeling its lightness melt in his mouth. His taste buds were covered with the slight buttery flavor. He finished off with a cup of coffee, feeling the hot beverage make its way down his throat and immediately warming his body. Although he usually skipped breakfast, he missed starting the morning off with a cup of warm coffee.

When he was done, Adrien washed his cup and stepped back into the living room, Nathalie still standing in the same spot. She nods, dismissing him to school.


Adrien stepped out of the car and was greeted by stares coming from all around him. He'd thought everyone would get over his story by now, but looks like they still haven't.

"Hey, buddy! How's it going?" His best friend surprised him and rested his elbow on his shoulder.

Adrien looks at his feet, "Everyone is still giving me weird looks"

Nino wraps his arm around Adrien's shoulders, pulling him into a side hug.

"I'll stay by your side, it's okay," his best friend tells him.

The blond manages a small smile.

Marinette and Alya walk up to the boys, waving. Nino takes his arm off his best friend and waves back.

"Did you get enough sleep, Adrien?" Alya asks, noticing the dark spots under his eyes.

The blond stays silent and shrugs. He could still feel a couple stares from those around them, making him shudder.

"You okay, bro?" Nino asks.

Adrien forces a quivering smile on his lips, "Just having another off day"

The three teenagers were looking at him with worry in their eyes.

"Wanna talk about it?" Marinette asks.

Adrien shakes his head, "Don't worry about it. Let's head to class"

He wanted to tell them, but he didn't know how. He couldn't explain his own thoughts. It's like he's screaming, but nobody can hear.

(Adrien's POV)
During class, a loud crash sounded outside, followed by screams. An akuma? But how? Isn't Hawkmoth in prison? Either way, I need to do something.

I shoot my hand up in the air, "Madame Bustier? Can I go to the bathroom?"

"Careful not to get caught up with the akuma, though," Madame turns her attention to the direction of the chaos, "This hasn't happened in months"

I stand up and run to the bathroom to transform. It feels like I haven't fought in forever. Let's hope I still got it.


I met Ladybug on a rooftop, staring down at a giant lollipop monster in the park.

"The hell is that? It doesn't look like an akuma to me"

"It's a sentimonster caused by an amok," Ladybug replies, "Looks like we have a new villain in the city. We never know if they're helping Hawkmoth or not"

I look down, "Listen, about Hawkmoth-"

"Tell me later. We gotta spring into battle," she turns her head to me, "Ready?"

I nod. Ladybug and I jump down, ready to fight side by side for the first time in months.

~After the battle because I don't want to make you guys bored~

Ladybug purified the amok and threw her Lucky Charm in the air.

I watch the white feather float away, "Does this mean the new villain is the owner of the peacock miraculous?"

"Looks like it. We better get back to patrolling every night, then"

I nod in agreement. I opened my mouth to tell Ladybug about Hawkmoth, but her earrings beeped.

"Well, I'll see you later, Chat"

And with that, she zoomed away with her yo-yo.

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