Chapter 10

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(3rd Person POV)
In a flash, Ladybug's transformation was undone. Adrien felt the material of her suit disappear around her hands, feeling the warmth of her bare hands in his.

"You can open your eyes," she said.

Adrien's emerald green eyes opened slowly, meeting those familiar bluebell eyes he fell in love with. Ladybug's mask had been removed, and Adrien instantly recognized her.


"Yeah," she looked down, forming a small frown, "Sorry to disappoint you-"

She was cut off when Adrien pulled her into a tight embrace. She felt her heartbeat racing with his.

"I'm not disappointed," he said softly, "You've been by my side this entire time. There's no one else I'd rather have as Ladybug than you"

Marinette's face turned a deep shade of red. She stood there in shock before slowly wrapping her arms around his waist and closing the hug. Adrien moved a hand to the back of her head and Marinette relaxed into his chest. She found comfort in his chest rising and falling with each breath he took. The two stood there in each other's arms with the beautiful colors of the Milky Way dancing in the sky.

Adrien didn't want to let her go. He waited so long for her to remove the mask, only to find out she was always close to him. But now, he felt closer to her than ever. He wanted to hold her forever.

Marinette broke the hug after a couple minutes, still standing close to him. Adrien wrapped one hand around hers and used the other to move her bangs out of her face, giving him a clear view of her eyes. The colors of the galaxy reflected off her eyes.

"I had a feeling you were Ladybug, but I didn't want to jump to conclusions," he said, still looking at her eyes, "Now, it's so obvious. I can't believe I was so blind as to not realize that your eyes are the ones I fell in love with twice"

"That kid is the definition of blind," Plagg whispers to Tikki.

Tikki elbowed him and shushed him, returning her attention back to Adrien and Marinette.

"Twice?" Marinette asked.

Adrien nodded, "I've always loved you as Marinette. I denied that I had feelings for you because I knew I was in love with Ladybug. And you were very important to me, so I didn't want my feelings for you to ruin our friendship"

"Marinette," his voice grew softer, "I love you, with and without the mask. I know you're in love with another boy, but-"

"Adrien," she cut him off and smiled, "That other boy was you"

Adrien's mouth opened slightly, "You... Love me?"

Marinette nodded and repeated his words, "With and without the mask, both physically and metaphorically"


"The mask that you wear everyday," Marinette explains, "The one that you hide behind. I love you on your bad days when you hide behind your mask, and on your good days when you don't need it. I love you everyday and for who you are. But I want to help you remove the mask for good and see your genuine smile"

His lips formed a quivering smile, "I'm so glad to have you in my life. I wouldn't even be here right now if it weren't for you"

He moved his hand to the side of her face, the other one still holding her hand. A tear snuck out of his eye. Marinette used her freehand to wipe it away. They both began to lean closer, closing their eyes until their lips met. The galaxy danced around them, setting a magical scene. Tears kept spilling out of Adrien's eyes, falling onto Marinette's hand. He moved his hand from her face and placed it over the hand on his cheek. He moved her hand down, now holding both of her hands in his.

They broke the kiss and touched their foreheads together.

Tikki let out a soft, high-pitched squeal while Plagg stared at her like she was crazy.

Adrien and Marinette pulled away, still holding hands.

"Let's go home," Adrien said.

Marinette nodded in agreement. They yelled their magic words at the same time and transformed into the famous crime-fighting duo.

"I'll race ya back to the city," Chat Noir said with a smirk.

"It's on," Ladybug replied.

The two jumped off, heading towards the city with blinding speed.

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