Book Three?

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Hi guys!! I hope you're all doing well!
I've considered writing a third book to this series, but my question is, do you guys want a third book?

One thing to keep in mind is that it will have a COMPLETELY different writing style, given the fact that I've developed a new writing style (you can read If I Could See Myself, Rain and Sunrise, or Sixty Beats Per Minute [my newest book] to get a feel of my new writing style). Before anyone asks why, long story short: after writing third person for a couple chapters in this book, I've realized that third person is SO much easier and I tend to write better descriptions in third person. I also can't say how long the third book will be. It's likely that it will be shorter than these books, but we'll see.

Another thing to keep in mind is that I'm a busy person, so it may take a long time for me to finish writing the book. For those who don't know, I'm a high school junior enrolled in AP classes plus running start. In other words, pretty much all my classes are college-level. Adding to all that, I'm also in music and clubs. ANYWAYS, I didn't mean to bore you with my life. Back to discussing the book.

I do have a plot in mind for a third book, but I just finished writing a relatively long book, so I need a break before I start another book. I'm also a little worried about ruining the message of this story •~• but I also want to know if it's something you guys would want.

Please let me know, and once again, thank you to everyone who read these books!


P.s. if I do decide to write a third book, please keep this book in your library, reading list, etc., as I will give announcements about it on this book :)

⚠UPDATE (April 6, 2020)⚠
So I officially have a serious case of writer's block, and I'm afraid I'll have to put book three on hold for a bit. I'm so sorry for those who have been waiting!
I do, however, have an idea for another book that I've been wanting to write so stay tuned for that. I'll be working on this new book at least until I get over this writer's block. Again, so sorry to have disappointed anyone!

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