Chapter 11

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(Adrien's POV)
Funny how I told my therapist that the girl I love is named Marinette, and she actually happened to be the one I fell in love with this whole time.

In the end, Marinette beat me to the city. She's always been faster than me. We said our goodbyes at the top of the Eiffel Tower before heading home.

I jumped through my window and detransformed, falling onto my bed with a smile on my face.

"Looks like somebody's in love," Plagg teased.

I didn't even bother denying it and nodded, "I love her even more now that I know who she is"

Plagg stuck his tongue out in disgust, "Bleh. Whatever. I'm just gonna sleep. I'm tired. I suggest you sleep, too"

"Yeah, yeah, I'll knock out in a bit"

"Suit yourself, kid"

My kwami flew under my pillow and started snoring as soon as he landed on my bed. I chuckled and continued staring at my ceiling.

~The Next Morning~

When the car stopped in front of the school, I quickly opened the door and jumped out. People stopped looking at me weirdly, thank god. I spotted Alya, Nino, and Marinette and approached them.

"Hey, guys"

"Duuuude! How are things today?" Nino asks.

I shrug, "Not too bad"

I look at Marinette and smile. She smiled back. I couldn't stop looking into her eyes.

We were interrupted by Alya and Nino clearing their throats and immediately broke our eye contact to look at them.

"S-sorry," Marinette and I said at the same time.

"Damn, what happened between you two?" Nino asks.

"Don't worry about it!" We said in unison.

Alya and Nino laughed, making us blush.

Alya took Nino's hand in hers, "Let's leave these lovebirds alone for now"


They gave each other a quick kiss on the lips before heading into the building. I turned my attention back to Marinette.

"So..." I said awkwardly.

"So..." Marinette repeated.

I rub the back of my neck, "Do you wanna... Go hang out together after school?"

Good thing I don't have therapy today.

"Yeah, sure"

"Okay, great," I smile shyly.

Why are we acting so awkward today?

~After School~
Once again, an akuma and a sentimonster interrupted one of our classes earlier. Ladybug and I defeated them, causing us to be late to our fourth period. Luckily, we had Madame Bustier for that period. Madame Mendeleiev would have gone on a rage fest.

I met up with Marinette in front of the school and waited for my bodyguard to come pick us up. I put my arm around her shoulders, holding her as she laid her head on my shoulder.

After a couple moments, I spot the car approaching from the distance and let go of Marinette. I saw her eyes widen when she saw the car.

I frown, "I know exactly what you're thinking, but I highly doubt that's the car you're thinking about"

She closed her eyes and nodded. The car stopped on the curb in front of us, revealing Nathalie in the driver seat.

Nathalie stepped out of the car, "Adrien, you're driving"

I freeze, "What?"

Nathalie opened the door to the shotgun and sat down, making me sit behind the wheel. Marinette went into the backseat.

"Umm... Can I have Marinette in the shotgun?" I ask.

"That's illegal," Nathalie responds.

"I'll take that as a no," I said, sighing.

I heard Marinette giggle in the back and turned to her.

"By the way, I'm very bad at driving. Be warned"

That earned another laugh from her. I smiled and faced forward, buckling my seatbelt. I turn on the engine, put the car in drive, and undo the parking break before pressing on the gas pedal.

"You forgot to signal," Nathalie said.

"My bad," I mumble, trying to keep my concentration on the road.


"Nathalie, we're like twelve million feet from the stop sign. I know what I'm doing"

I could hear Marinette trying to hold in her laughter. I couldn't help but chuckle as I continued driving down the street.

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