Chapter 19

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(Adrien's POV)
After staying with Marinette for a while, I decided to go see my father. I detransformed in an alleyway before entering the prison as Adrien.

Some police officers led me down a hallway, eventually approaching a closed, clear glass door.

"We'll be right outside if anything happens," one of them tells me.

I nod and step into the room. The inside of the room was full of white walls, except for the clear glass wall that I walked through to enter. Two police officers stood outside watching with their arms crossed. I felt a bit intimidated by them.

My father sat down at a table with two chairs in the middle of the room. I stood with my back against the glass wall, refusing to get close to him.

"Adrien," my father says.

"Hello... Father," I mumble.

"Before I get to the important stuff, I want you to know that I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I put you through all of that"

I press my lips together and look down at the floor, "So you're aware that you caused me physical and emotional pain?"

I see him nodding from the corner of my eye, "I know I should have treated you better. I was just so upset about your mother's death"

I clench my fists, "You know that I was also grieving over her death, right?" I almost shout.

"Yes, and I'm sorry," Father says softly, "I won't beg for your forgiveness, however. I understand that I was a bad parent. I should have been there for you after Emilie's death"

"I'd be lying if I said I'll never forgive you," I say, "Because deep down, I still see you as my father. But I'll never forget about all the scars you gave me"

"In the end, I got what I deserve," Father says, slightly gesturing towards the police officers outside.

"Now, let's move on to the important stuff," Father begins, "I... I was the old Hawkmoth"

I showed no surprise in my face. I already knew this.

"Go on," I tell him.

"The reason I wanted Ladybug and Chat Noir's miraculouses was to bring your mother back"

I bite my bottom lip. I guess I can't be mad at him for that, but he still put mine and Marinette's lives in danger, along with the citizens of Paris.

"And I've been hearing word about a new villain with the peacock miraculous," Father breathes, "The peacock miraculous used to be your mother's. But I passed it down to..."

Father takes a deep breath and adjusts his glasses, "Nathalie"

My mouth drops open and my emotions feel like a mixture of anger and surprise, "Nathalie?"

Father nods, "She had the miraculous while I was still Hawkmoth. However, I have no idea who the new Hawkmoth is"

I take a deep breath to keep my temper in control, "Thank you for telling me. But why did you decide to tell me this all of a sudden?"

"Stop Nathalie," Father almost shouts, "If she tries to wish Emilie back to life, there will be consequences. I didn't know until now"

"Consequences? Like what?"

"Nathalie... Nathalie will die"

My eyes shot open.

"I think it's time I accept that your mother is gone," Father says quietly, "It's no use trying to bring her back only to lose your new mother figure"

Father stands up and walks around the table, making me tense up. I wanted to back up, but the wall stopped me.

Father stops in front of me, looking into my eyes with a serious expression.

"Adrien, please stop Nathalie. Take the miraculouses away from her and get help from Ladybug and Chat Noir. Call up other heroes. Do whatever you need to. Just stop her"

I nod, "I'll try my best"

Father smiles a non-evil smile, "I'm counting on you"

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