Chapter 24

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(Marinette's POV)
I stood on a nearby tree with Rena Rouge and Carapace, watching the abandoned building. I spotted a figure moving in the window. Le Paon. I take out my phone and call Adrien.

"Chat Noir, I'm here, can you hear me?" I say through the phone.

"I hear you, m'lady," he answers.

"Is Nathalie still at the mansion?" I ask.

"Thankfully, yes," he answers.

"Keep her there while Rena Rouge does her thing. I'll call you again to let you know when you can come over"

"Got it"

I hang up the phone and turn to Rena Rouge, "Ready?"

The superhero nods and blows into her flute, summoning an illusion of Nathalie's car in front of the building. Nathalie steps out of the car and walks into the building. We wait for a while until we see Le Paon leaving the room.

"Let's go!" I whisper-shout to the heroes next to me.

We jump down from the tree and enter through the window of the building. The room was dark, but luckily the window gave us some light.

"Ladybug," Carapace whispers, "Maybe the miraculous is in that safe"

He points to a safe in the corner and I quietly run over to it.

"Keep watch!" I whisper-shout and turn back to the safe. I felt my phone vibrate. I ignore it. I need to be quick.

I noticed the safe was already unlocked. Confused, I open it up to find it empty. Where's the miraculous?

"Did you really think I would be fooled by an illusion?" A voice says from the front of the room.

I panic and turn around to see a lady in an outfit much like Mayura's, only with long, loose hair. I grit my teeth and get into my fighting stance with my yo-yo in hand.

"Nathalie already took the miraculous and ran off," Le Paon says, "And now, I'll take your miraculous, Ladybug"

Rena Rouge and Carapace step in front of me.

"Not without getting through us," Rena Rouge says.

I quickly take out my phone to call Chat Noir. I panic when I realize I had a missed call from him.

(Adrien's POV)
"Hey Nathalie, do you mind listening to me play a piece on the piano?" I ask.

"Umm, actually-"

"Please, Nathalie? I've been working hard on perfecting this piece"

Nathalie breathes, "Alright. But after that, I need to ask you a couple questions"


Nathalie and I walk into my room and I sit down at the piano. This piece is twenty minutes long. That should be enough time, especially since Nathalie wants to talk about something.

I place my fingers on the keys, taking a deep breath before starting.

After five minutes, Nathalie stops me.

"It sounds good. Now, can we talk?"

"But I'm not done with the piece yet," I say.

"I'll listen to the rest later," Nathalie says, "I have something important to tell you"

Nathalie reaches into her pocket and pulls out the butterfly miraculous. My mouth opens slightly and my eyes move from the miraculous to Nathalie.

"Wait, if that's here, then-"

Oh no. My friends are in danger!

"Adrien, I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier, but I saw you transform into Chat Noir," Nathalie says calmly, "I took this miraculous from your- uh, Le Paon a couple days ago, and I want to return it to the guardian. Do you know where he is?"

Plagg flies out of my jacket, "I do!"

Nathalie places the miraculous into my hands, "Please take it back to him. I took it in order to protect you"

I nod, "Plagg, let's go!"

I charge out of my room and down the stairs, grabbing the car keys on the way out. I unlock the car and step into the driver seat, turning it on and driving away. Luckily, the road was empty.

Looks like the butterfly was easier to get than I thought. But I need to hurry, Marinette and everyone else is in danger!

I throw my phone on the front seat where Plagg was floating, "Plagg, call Ladybug for me and put it on speaker"

Plagg does as I tell him, keeping his eyes on the road to tell me where to turn. The phone keeps ringing, making me grip the steering wheel tighter. Come on, Ladybug! Please pick up!

A voice message plays and I curse under my breath.

"Right here, Adrien!" Plagg shouts.

I step on the brakes and take my phone back as Plagg flies into my jacket. I run out of the car and into the building. I knock on the door, which opens immediately. A short old man stands on the other side.

"Chat Noir? What brings you here?" Master Fu asks.

I hand him the butterfly miraculous, catching him by surprise.

"The butterfly miraculous? How... How did you get it?"

"Sorry Master, but no time to explain. Ladybug needs me!" I say quickly, "Plagg, claws out!"

A green flash surrounds me as I turn into Chat Noir.

"Watch my car for me. See you later, Master!" I yell before running off.

My phone rings and I answer it as soon as I saw Ladybug's name on the screen.

"Hold on, m'lady! I'm coming!"

"Hurry, Chat Noir! We're-"

I hear a loud thump and Ladybug grunts in pain.

My heart rate speeds up, "Ladybug! Are you alright?"

"I'm fine! Just get here quick!"

"I'm coming as fast as I can!"

I hang up the phone and pick up my speed. If anything happens to Marinette, I'll make our enemy regret ever laying a finger on her.

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