Chapter 9

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(3rd Person POV)
Ladybug stood on the roof of a building in the night. She spotted the same car from the other night, quickly snapping a picture before it disappeared from under the streetlights. The car kept driving in one direction, eventually being engulfed in darkness and disappearing from sight.

The superhero made her way back to the Eiffel Tower and gave Chat Noir a call. He arrived seconds later.

"You called, m'lady?"

Ladybug nodded and pulled up the picture she took of the car.

"It's hard to get a good picture since it's a dark car, but I think this is an okay picture"

Chat Noir's eyes shot wide open. It looked just like Nathalie's car. But how? His father being Hawkmoth was one thing, but now Nathalie?

"Chat Noir, are you alright?"

He shook the thought out of his head, "Yeah, sorry"

It can't be Nathalie. I made sure she was asleep before heading out.

"Judging from the 'battle' earlier, there must be a new Hawkmoth," Ladybug said, "From what I've heard, the new villain is named Le Paon--the owner of the peacock miraculous"

"My father must have passed the butterfly miraculous to someone else. What do you suppose we should do, m'lady?"

"We still need more information about the villain. For now, let's just wait and see what we can uncover"

Ladybug turned to Chat Noir and stepped closer to him, "That's all I have for tonight. But before we go, I have a surprise for you"

A blush formed on both of the heroes' faces.

Ladybug swung her yo-yo, latching onto a building, "Follow me"


Ladybug took Chat Noir to a lake, looking up at the Milky Way. There was no light pollution, so the dazzling colors of the galaxy could be seen clearly. Nobody was around. It was a perfect moment.

Chat Noir's jaw dropped open, staring at the colorful sky that surrounded the bright moon.

"Plagg, claws in"

Adrien took Chat Noir's spot and Plagg landed on his shoulder. The kwami's mouth dropped open as he stared at the sky in awe.

"I've never seen anything like this before," Adrien says, "It's beautiful"

"More beautiful than a piece of cheese," Plagg adds.

Adrien and Ladybug giggle at the silly kwami.

Adrien's gaze landed in the water, suddenly remembering his suicide attempt.

His body had landed in the ice cold water, which immediately began filling into his lungs. He felt himself sink deeper and deeper, feeling a pain in his chest from lack of oxygen. Cold water was all around him. He thought his end has finally come, until he felt something wrap around his body.

He shuddered at the flashback and backed away from the lake.

Ladybug frowned, "I'm sorry. I should have chosen a different spot"

Adrien shook his head, "It's alright. I can handle just looking at the galaxy. It's more beautiful, anyways"

Him and Ladybug made eye contact, smiling.

Ladybug stepped forward and took both of his hands in hers, making him blush.

"Close your eyes," she said quietly, "This is your surprise"

Adrien did as he was told. He was preparing for a kiss, but something else happened instead.

"Tikki, spots off"

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