2. Baby Therapy

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Austin was driving with his fingers tapping the wheel. He was breathing heavily. His eyes fixated on the road ahead, trying hard not to stare Kaden's way. Austin wasn't sure any of what was happening was a good idea. He wasn't sure what he was going to say to Kaden. Nor was he sure how he'd explain what happened the other night.

He didn't know what came over him that night. Of course, the thought would come by, but almost having the thought become reality was entirely different. And Kaden wasn't to blame. He was the culprit. He was to blame, but he had been treating Kaden as if Kaden is the one to blame.

'You missed the turn,' Kaden sighed.

'We're not going to the beach,' Austin said. 'We're headed to my house.' He didn't even slightly turn his head to make his reply any bit personal. He was angry at himself but Kaden seemed to be paying for it.


Kaden sat, not knowing what to do with himself. Austin hadn't spoken to him for a couple of days, despite the promise. After day one of silence, Kaden knew Austin needed space. After day two, Kaden needed space because he was overthinking way too much. After day three, Kaden started to get pissed. And on day four, Kaden wanted to march to Austin's house and demand Austin speak to him, but Austin had texted him to be ready the next morning.

What was the point of Austin picking Kaden up if he was going to be cold? The question continuously circled back in Kaden's mind. He honestly would have much rather did whatever it is they would be doing on his own porch than having to endure the iciest car ride before getting to what Austin wanted to say.

The only other time Austin had treated Kaden coldly was when things had become serious with Rachel, and Kaden had started to let the affectionate part of his friendship with Austin go. Kaden thought it was becoming hopeless to hang onto a fantasy with Austin since Rachel was a full-on buy roses and chocolates for, hickey giving, scrunchie lending, PDAing, actual girlfriend. Kaden had tried not to be as affectionate or be Austin's tail anymore. Well, he didn't have to decide on that one. Austin made it clear he didn't need a tail.

With newfound time and slightly too much affection to give, Kaden had started being more aware of the other guys at his school. He had even taken the time to get to know the boy who sat next to him in Biology. His name was Leo Petrillo, which Kaden loved because of The Golden Girls. Leo hadn't the faintest idea of what Kaden seemed to be impressed by until one biology project, which took two days and an impromptu sleepover to complete, introduced Leo Petrillo to Sophia Petrillo during a much needed break that lasted the entire first season of The Golden Girls.

Leo got hooked on the show, and Kaden got a new friend. They got closer and closer. And Austin became annoyed when Kaden's line would be busy or seeing Kaden at his locker, smiling and laugh with Leo. That had seemed to frustrate Austin. Kaden remembered him being extra icy in the mornings and never warming up. And when Kaden had made time to see him, Austin would be distant and uninterested. He would show up to Kaden's house with a bitter attitude and not talk to the boy, unless he could fit in Rachel into the conversation, causing Kaden to fume.

Kaden had wanted to address Austin's crappy behavior. But before he could, Leo told him he was moving and would have to change schools. Kaden became distraught, but Leo promised to keep in contact. And he did, for the most part. The distance did change their friendship though. 

Kaden hadn't been thrilled about having a new bio partner or losing his very own Petrillo. He retreated into his antisocial shell. With Leo gone, Austin got to console Kaden and they went back to normal, which dug up the hopeless, romantic feelings Kaden tried to forget.

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