16. Escaping The Hot Tub Current

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Grace was pacing up and down her room. She was breathing heavily and talking to herself, trying to talk herself into canceling. When she started frantically waving her hands in the air, Kaden finally walked up to her and held her arms still. He told her to breathe slowly and she did but managed to get in a few words in while doing it. 'No one's going to come. Why did I throw a party? I'm the new kid. No one goes to the new kid's party unless they do something wild that makes them popular in their first five seconds at school. I'm not popular Kaden. What was I thinking? I'm canceling it. Right? I should cancel.'

Kaden covered her mouth and smiled. 'You're not canceling, okay? You look too damn good to cancel.' He turned her towards the mirror in the corner. 'That should be reason enough not to cancel.'

Kaden smiled as he stared at her reflection. Grace did look good. She was wearing an oversized, red sweater, with her name written across the chest, and black thigh-high boots. Her hair was tied in a slick ponytail, with a couple of tiny braids and a few extensions for volume. Kaden was so proud of her hair since he was in charge of the hair department. She had reluctantly agreed to wear golden hoop earrings, but they really tied in the look so well.

'You look gorgeous. Your house is a winter wonderland. And you have tons of people coming to celebrate your birthday.' Kaden gave her a tight squeeze and smiled.

'What if it's like a Carrie situation and they're here to pour pig blood on the trans girl, Kaden?' She moved away from the mirror, strode to her bed and laid on her back. 'What if they're only coming here to make fun of me? It wouldn't be the first time. Remember when we met?'

Kaden sat next to her and lifted her up. 'First of all, don't ruin my work.' His hands moved up to her hair so he could secure the hair tie and fluff the ponytail a bit. 'Secondly, the people that you invited to come here tonight are only coming because they like you. You're an amazing person, Grace. And people see that. That's why they're coming. Lastly, you have three boys downstairs who will kick anyone's ass who tries to make you feel bad. Two are the best football players in the school and the other one...' Kaden bit his lip and tilted his head trying to think of something the other boy gained physical strength from.

The door opened and a voice entered before the body. 'The other one is your boyfriend and would just kick anyone's ass for you.' Leo walked in with a big smile on his face. 'They don't even have to be jerks. If someone hits on you, I'm whooping their ass.'

A giant smile appeared on Grace's face as she stood up and hopped to Leo. They gave one another a kiss that didn't seem to end. And as much as Kaden was happy to see them together, and see Grace overjoyed, he did find it awkward sitting there staring at them. 'I would say get a room but you're in it and I'm in here with you. So I'm just gonna go.'

They didn't pay any attention to him at all. He stood up and moved around them. At the door, he turned back and gave his best Mean Girls' mom impression. 'Can I get you guys anything? Some snacks? A condom? Let me know! Oh, God love ya.'

They both started laughing mid-kiss. Leo turned to Kaden with a smile he was trying to hide. Grace uttered, 'You're the worst.'

Obviously Kaden couldn't go without giving another Mrs. George line. 'I just want you to know, if you ever need anything, don't be shy, OK? There are NO rules in the house. I'm not like a regular mom, I'm a cool mom.'

Leo grabbed one of Graces pillows and threw it at him, but the door shut before the pillow could get him.


There was a great turnout to the party. And people went all out for the theme of the party, 'Slay the Halls.' Green, red and white were all the dominating colors that night. Even Graces house looked the part. That was thanks to Megan leading a team of jocks to making it the best Christmas themed birthday party of all time. She was very bossy and got her way quite easily. And all of her bossiness got the house to look festive but incredibly chic. There was even fake snow all over the floor, in each room. Kaden felt bad for whoever had to clean it all up. He shook his head as he refilled the snack bowls.

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