5. Hope?

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Kaden sat in a seat next to the window and he waited for more faces to come through the door. His leg kept twitching. The start of the new school year had always made Kaden feel a bit anxious. He didn't know if he would have anyone friendly face to trade a smile with or be his partner when those inevitable projects would start. Every year he would panic but Austin would always walk into class a few seconds before the bell rings. Austin would ease Kaden's panic with one grin. They would sit with each other in almost every class except two that they both shared with Rachel. Austin would still make an effort to make sure that Kaden didn't feel lonely.

Kaden could feel how different that would be this year. He was confused. He wanted that old familiarity of having Austin there, but he felt like having Austin in any of his classes would be awkward.

It had been two weeks since he last saw Austin and since he had his talk with Rachel. He didn't text Austin, and Austin didn't call him. It felt strange not seeing Austin. Even Kaden's mom wondered why she wasn't hearing any honks outside the house. But she didn't pry too much into that as she saw Mauricio hanging around more.

Kaden smiled to himself as images of Mauricio flashed by in his mind. They had spent the last two weeks of the summer vacation getting to know each other more. Mauricio would rock up to Kaden's in the mornings and force him out of bed to go running. Kaden would try to rebel and just do a slow jog-walk thing, but Mauricio would get Kaden's cooperation by spanking Kaden's butt.

Kaden's smile disappeared when Austin walked through the door with Rachel wrapped around his arm. Neither of them made eye contact with Kaden. They just walked to a table on that side of the room. A few more people came in huddled together and picked their seats. Two of them sat behind Austin and Rachel, who both turned around and started a conversation with them.

Kaden could only watch as Austin smiled and laughed. A feeling of heartbreak came over him. A lump formed in his throat when their eyes met for a second. Austin didn't look half as sad as Kaden did. Austin took a breath and just nodded at Kaden before looking away. Kaden gritted his teeth in anger as he turned to the window.

'Is he fucking kidding me?' he thought, folding his arms. 'A nod? A fucking nod?'

He heard more people coming, but he didn't bother turning around. He didn't care about who he might be stuck with, just as long as Austin Xavier James wouldn't be anywhere close to him in homeroom or any other damn class he had.

Kaden let out a sigh, trying to calm himself as he heard footsteps getting closer. He turned his head and his eyes met three smiling faces, which immediately lifted his mood.

'Is this seat reserved?' Leo asked with a sly smile.

Kaden pursed his lips and shook his head. Leo and Megan gasped and put their hands on their chests, while Mauricio pretended to faint.

'All y'all suck so much,' Kaden rolled his eyes.

'We're just teasing, sweetie,' Megan smiled as she hugged Kaden.

Leo and Mauricio stood with their arms crossed and stared at Kaden.

'So, who gets the seat?' Mauricio frowned.

'I'm not the president, okay.' Kaden retorted. 'You can plant your asses wherever you want.'

'I nearly forgot how moody you are in the mornings.' Mauricio took a seat in the chair right in front of Kaden's. 'I think I'll be good here. I might be at risk of having you breathe fire on me, but you could also kill me if I'm within arm's reach.'

Kaden let out a giggle and rolled his eyes.  'I'm not a monster.'

Megan took a seat next to Mauricio. And Leo reluctantly sat next to Kaden.

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