10. Football & Fist Throwing

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Kaden had reluctantly agreed to watch Austin's practice. He dreaded agreeing while they were in bed. He dreaded it when they were driving to school. He dreaded it as they made their way to the field. His dread only grew as he made eye contact with the boy he didn't want to see.

He was about to throw the football when their eyes met. His eyes didn't leave Kaden's for a few seconds. And when they did, they went straight to Austin. Kaden could see the confused, questioning look on Mo's face a few yards away. Kaden didn't understand why he felt guilty for being with Austin in front of Mauricio. It wasn't like they were dating, but he did feel a great deal for the brown-eyed boy with the cute, curly hair. Mo had made him feel so wanted in such a short time and he had felt something intoxicating and incredibly freeing when he and Mo would kiss. But the memory of those kisses was dimmed by the magnitude of Austin's, which he had only experienced for one day. He felt Austin's grip on his arm turning him to the bleachers.

Austin got sidetracked by his friends. Kaden didn't know them well enough to stand there and make small talk. He knew their names and what they meant to Austin, but none of them actively went out of their way to talk to Kaden. So, he made his way up the top of the bleachers. He went all the way to the top. Even though he got up there sweating, but it was worth it because there was so much shade up there. Kaden sat down and reached into Austin's sports bag for the book he had snuck in there before they left.

'You're going to read?' Austin huffed in disappointment as he walked up the two stairs, hiding something behind his hands. 'So you're not going to watch the practice?'

'I've watched your practices before. Don't think I'll miss much.' Kaden opened the book and threw aside the bookmark. He looked at Austin and smiled. 'What are you hiding back there?'

Austin revealed an extra-large cup of an iced latte. Kaden held the book to his chest and pouted as he saw Austin's smile. 'Is that what I think it is?'

'If you think it's an iced caramel brulée latte then you're probably going to be very much impressed with me.'

'How'd you do that?' Kaden asked as he slowly reached his hand out to Austin, who knew better than to hold onto the drink once he felt Kaden's grip on the cup.

Austin smiled as he sat down beside Kaden. 'Well, I had Byron pick it up for you and you would have gotten it sooner if you didn't walk away.'

'Sorry,' Kaden uttered before the straw met his lips. Maybe he was too quick to just assume that Austin's friends didn't really care that much about him. He would try to be nicer to them, but not before he savored his favorite drink. 'Swear this tastes like kissing you.'

Austin tilted his head. A giant cheeky smile plastered itself on his face. He reached his hands to the back of Kaden's head and pulled him closer to his face with one hand and the other pulled the drink to Kaden's lips. 'Have a sip.'

Kaden looked into Austin's eyes. He felt a bit giddy as he felt Austin's warm breath on his cool lips. He did as instructed. Right after he gulped, Austin kissed him. Kaden felt a thousand butterflies being set loose in his stomach by the intensity of Austin's passionate tongue. As Austin pulled back, Kaden gasped for air. He smiled at Austin.

'Which is better?' Austin asked with a raised brow.

Kaden licked his lips as he leaned back. 'Definitely your kisses.'

Austin just nodded with a self-pleased smile on his face.

'That's only because they come from the boy who probably reminded Byron not to get a plastic straw,' Kaden added jerking the bamboo straw up and down.

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