~ Competition Anxiety ~

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(A/N: here's the music for mitsuki's sp : https://youtu.be/74I5tZbDlcE Boruto's sp is the routine he's been practicing in chapter 2)


Boruto goes into the rink with the other skaters to practice his jumps for a bit. He's feeling a little nervous thinking that he might mess up and all he said to his mom was for nothing, 'Why am I feeling like this?! I should believe in myself! No way I'm gonna lose!'

He then sees a familiar pale figure in the rink, he was in shock when he spotted him, "Mitsuki?"

(A/N: Ik that Mitsuki's birthday is in June and Boruto's is in March so Boruto is 13 and Mitsuki isn't. Eh, Imagination 👐)

The pale boy notices the blond and stops skating, "Hello, Boruto. What are you doing here?"

"I'm competing. I didn't know you skated, Mitsuki."

"It's a new hobby I planned on trying," Mitsuki smiles, "Since when did you start skating, Boruto?"

"Since I was 5. My mom got me into it."

"That's nice."

"Oh, the warm-up session's over. Cya, Mitsuki. Goodluck on your SP!" Boruto skates out of the rink as he says goodbye to his friend.

"Goodbye, Boruto. And goodluck." Mitsuki waits until all the skaters leave and begins to leave with them.


It was finally time for Mitsuki's Short Program, he glides around the rink until he makes it to the middle.

The commentator introduces the skater.

The pale skater begins his beginning pose and starts to skate when the music plays.

"-He will be skating to, 'A Road To Somewhere' from 'Spirited Away'." Says the commentator, "He plans 5 jumps including 3 quads in his performance."

He gracefully skates around a bit, returning back to the middle to do his spin.

He does a Biellmann spin.

"Biellmann spin, beautiful."

He finishes his spin and does a bit of hand movements, waving around.

He then begins to start his first jump.

"His first jump is a triple axel."

He lands it, cleanly.


Boruto stares at the TV nervously, feeling anxious everytime Mitsuki landed a jump. Feeling like he couldn't be as good as Mitsuki.

"Boruto, are you okay?"

"Y-Yeah! I'm fine mom!" Boruto fake smiles, "Just a little nervous, that's all."

"Oh... well, you're next after Mitsuki. Could you change to your costume."



"That was an outstanding performance from Mitsuki! He landed all of his jumps!"

Mitsuki does his finish pose. He leaves the rink to see Boruto smiling at him.

"T-That was amazing, Mitsuki!"

"Thank you, Boruto. And goodluck."

"Thanks, but I don't need luck." Boruto smirks, as he walks closer to the rink.

"Come, Mitsuki-kun. It's time to check your score." Orochimaru grabs Mitsuki's hand.

Mitsuki walks to the kiss and cry with his father(/mother idk orochimaru's gender confuses me)

"Mitsuki's score for his short program is, 98.43! He is currently in 1st place!" The commentator shouts.

"Good job, Mitsuki-kun. Maybe you could win the gold medal."

"I'll do my best."


Boruto takes off his skate guards and the commenter introduces the next contestant, "The next skater on the Ice is, Uzumaki Boruto!"

Boruto skates on the ice, going to the middle.

When all of a sudden, he couldn't hear anything. All he could hear was his fast heartbeat, 'What the hell... Why am I panicking? Calm down, calm down.' He starts his beginning pose in panick.

"-be skating to, "Beethoven, appassionata sonata in 3rd mvt"," The commentator says, "He plans 6 jumps including 2 quads in his performance."

The music starts and Boruto barely made it in time.

'What the hell-ttebasa?! I couldn't even start the beginning in time?! What's wrong with me?!'

He does his first jump combination, but touches down on the triple toe loop and doesn't make it in time for the double.

'Kuso! I'm usually not this bad... I swear I'll make the next jumps!'

Boruto's quad toe loop turned into a triple and he fell on his double and it slightly sprained his ankle.

He starts to tear up on the ice, he couldn't get up, 'No! I promised I would win... I promised I would get gold... I promised I would make mom proud... so what the hell is wrong with me?!'

'I practiced so hard... just for this... And It all went to waste...' Boruto sobs, 'Now all I'm gonna be is an embarrassement...'

the commentator was shocked, actually, everyone in the stadium was shocked, "It looks like skater Uzumaki can't stand." They stop the music.

'I'm sorry mom... I'm just not good enough.'


"Boruto, I don't care what score you give me or if you get a medal or not. You're my son and I'd be proud with whatever you perform."


'I'm sorry, mom... I couldn't make you proud...'

"I'm sorry."

"Boruto, get up!"

"W-What?" He hears shouting from a female voice calling to him, begging him to stand up. It was his mom.

"Get up! Don't give up now, son!"

"M-Mom?" Boruto raises his head up to see his mom starring at him with passionate eyes.

"Don't give up, Boruto! It's not over yet!"


"I've always believed in you, now stand up and make me proud!"

Boruto tries to stand up and whinces, his ankle still hurts him, but it doesn't matter.

All that matters is that he had to win.

He had to.

"One more time!"


-end of chapter-

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