~ Don't Give Up ~

385 19 4

(A/N: this is Sarada's SP song: https://youtu.be/-_kW1V1ya6w)


"Uzumaki Boruto's score for his short program is 110.63! He is currently in 1st place!"

"T-That's amazing!" Sarada was shocked, that was his best score yet.

Boruto just stays silent, thinking about his mistake on his quad lutz. He could've had a higher score if he didn't underrotate it.

"What's wrong?" Sarada asks, Boruto literally got the highest score out of all the skaters. So why was he disappointed?

"It's nothing..." He just mutters.


After the competition it was the womens singles next, since the men's competition were over.

They take a break from the last competition and prepare for the next one, which was for the women. With Sarada participating. And it was the short program.

Sarada, surprisingly, saw Sumire skating in the warm-up session. It was weird since she hasn't seen her skate in any competitions before.


"O-Oh, Sarada!"

Sarada was right, it was Sumire, she though that she was imagining things, "What're you doing here? I didn't know you skated."

"Um, well I'm competing..." Sumire answers, "Is Boruto with you?"

"Oh yeah, he's there." Sarada points at Boruto, who was outside of the rink waiting for her.

"Oh..." Sumire blushes, Sarada doesn't really know what's up with her and why she's blushing all of a sudden, but she seemed a bit suspicious.

"Well, Ja'nee." Sarada waves at her, leaving the rink.

Sumire just stares at her.


"The next skater on the Ice is, Uchiha Sarada!"

"Goodluck, Sarada." Boruto hugs her and she blushes a little.

Sumire was just staring from afar.

She seemed, jealous...?

But why though?

"T-Thanks..." Sarada says as she skates to the center of the rink, doing her beginning pose.

"-She will be skating to, "Theme of SSS" from "Angel Beats"."

The first note starts and she begins to skate.

She placed her heart and soul into her performance and now she's gonna do it again, with Boruto watching him.

She does a biellmann spin, then she glides around the ice and executes her first jump.

"A triple axel, beautiful."

When Boruto watched Sarada skate, he felt what she felt, like they were connected somehow... he couldn't really explain it, and he doesn't really know if others have felt that way before... but that feeling felt special to him. (I rlly dont know)


"Yeah, Sumire?"

Sumire looks at the ground, blushing, as she leans in for a soft, quick kiss.

Boruto was shocked at the sudden kiss, he didn't want this.... it felt wrong...


As Sarada skates, her eyes widen.

Why were they... kissing...

So she was right, there was another girl... Why did she even believe that there wasn't...

Why was she even skating for him anyways...

It doesn't make sense... after all they've been through, why was there another girl all of a sudden...

Has all they've been through been one big lie?

Wait, she shouldn't get distracted yet, she had to skate her best!

"Her next jump, a triple toe loop."

Sarada thinks stressfully, 'Don't get distracted... don't miss this jump or you'll look pathetic!'

"Ooh, she fell!"



"G-Gomenasai..." Sumire blushes, embarrassingly.

"Please, stop... get off of me..." Boruto says to Sumire, after slightly pushing her away, he sees Sarada fallen inside the rink.



'Kuso... My ankle...' Sarada whinces in pain, and begins to tear up on the ground, 'I really messed this up...'

The music was stopped, and the paramedics were about to come into the rink, but someone stopped them from entering all of a sudden.

"Get up, Sarada!"


"Don't just lay there!" Boruto shouts, and there was a bit of tears in his eyes, "You want to win gold, don't you?! Don't give up, Sarada!"

"Boruto..." Sarada stand up, still whincing in pain.

then they both realised that this situation was familiar...


"Boruto, get up!"


"Get up! Don't give up now, son!"

"M-Mom?" Boruto raises his head up to see his mom starring at him with passionate eyes.

"Don't give up, Boruto! It's not over yet!"


"I've always believed in you son, now stand up and make me proud!"


She continues to skate as the music starts where she left off, even though she was in pain, it didn't matter at all. She had to give her best, for everyone... and for Boruto...

She didn't want to see him cry.

She had to win.

She had to give it all she's got.


"A quadruple flip! And at the end of the performance while injured too! the only person who has landed this while injured in the end of a performance is Uzumaki Boruto!"

Boruto's eyes widen. She was... Amazing...

"Amazing..." He mutters.

Sumire walks away, jealous.

"SARADA THAT WAS AMAZING!" Boruto hugs her as soon as she got out of the rink.

"EHH?!" Sarada was shocked, how was that performance amazing? She fell too many times... "T-Thanks?"

Boruto was actually crying. That's what shocked her the most.


-end of chapter-

(A/N: soz that this chapter is kinda poorly written i was just pretty distracted when writing this. Also sarada had other jumps, it was just cut because of some scenes i added)

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