~ A Legend Is Born ~

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Sarada was at her home with her mother, just relaxing since it was the weekends and there was no school.

She had nothing to do, so she just decided to watch on the tv. But just to her surprise, it was in the figure skating channel and the skater there... was...



The music begins to play again where it left off, Boruto does the same choreography as he's supposed to. But something's changed in the way hes skate...

'I placed my heart and soul in this performance, there's no way I will give up... everyone, watch me and don't look away!'

He had the look of determination, as his body moved to the music his choreography showed people how he had a desire, and that he wouldn't lose yet.

He wanted the audience to keep their eyes on him.

And they did exactly that. No one could look away.

"Here comes his next jump, a triple axel."

Boruto lands it with grace and it had an excellent execution.

"His last jump is a quad salchow!"

He executes his last jump...

"N-No, It's a quadruple flip! No skater would dare to do this jump at the end of a program, especially after being injured! This boy will exceed all our expectations!"

The audience are hyped up, at 13 years old, the boy really had insane potential.

He does his sit spin and does his finish pose, he falls to the ground because of how much strength that took, and how his ankle was still sprained. But what's most important, is that he enthralled the audience. They couldn't look away.

"That was outstanding! Give it up for, Uzumaki Boruto!"

Boruto stands up and skates out of the rink, he sees his mother crying tears of joy, "T-That was amazing, Boruto!" his mother hugs him tight, they then walk to the kiss and cry to wait for their score.

"Uzumaki Boruto's score for his short program is, 68.78! Not as outstanding as his performance, but maybe he could catch up to the podium in the free skate. He is currently at 4th place."

"Mom... did I make you proud...?"

"Of course you did, you're my son afterall..." Hinata hugs her son one more time, "Now come on, lets get you rest up for the free skate tomorrow." They both walk away from the kiss and cry.

Meanwhile, Mitsuki is being interviewed.

"Mitsuki-kun, do you think you can get gold in the free skate?"

"I am not entirely sure. It would be pleasing but, I think there's someone else who deserves gold." Mitsuki stares at the blond boy and his mother leaving the stadium.

"Okay, thank you for your opinion, Mitsuki-kun."


"Sarada, what's wrong?"

"Mama... Boruto landed a quadruple flip... while injured... in the end of his program..." Sarada gapes.

"He what?!" Sakura shouts as she passes by her daughter, who was intensely staring at the tv in shock.

"I know! It seems impossible!" Sarada says, "How would I catch up to him now... He can do a quad flip while I could only do up to triples/..."

"Don't worry, Sarada. You'll get better soon-"

"Mama, I need you to teach me a quad salchow, then a quad flip!"

"W-What? But only I, Hinata, and Ino have ever landed them in a female competition! It's too hard for you, Sarada!"

"That's why I want to learn it! I have to beat Boruto... I have to..."


"Please, mama!"

"Fine," Sakura sighs, "But I don't think this is a good idea... You might get badly injured..."

"It's fine, mama! I can handle it!"

"If you're so desperate... then I'll help you." Sakura sighs, then mutters, "You seem too young, though... and your body is still developing... but then again, Boruto did it... so..."

"We start now."

Sarada smiles widely, "Hehe!"


Sakura and Sarada are at the rink practicing the quad salchow, Sakura does the quad perfectly, but as Sarada does it she falls on her face.

"Oof!" Sarada cries, "You weren't lying when you said this was hard, mama... How long did it take you to perfect this...?" She stand up.

"Well, A few months I guess..."


"Well, yes. After a lot of falling and injuries, I managed to perfect it."

"That's amazing... But I don't have much time!"

"You have plenty of time, Sarada," Sakura sighs, "This is a hard jump so please take your time."

"But Boruto-"

"I'm sure Boruto has been skating for a long time now, but you... Just be careful."


"Now, again."


-end of chapter-

(A/N: somehow 13 year olds can land hard quads. LOGIC)

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