~ Confusing Feelings ~

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"Mom, I wanna skate again."

"Eh?" Hinata was shocked, again, "W-What's with the sudden change of mind?"

"I-It's nothing..." Boruto blushes at the thought of Sarada, "Just, sign me up for the senior division of the grand prix..."



Sarada is seen walking to the local rink, except not her local rink. the rink she usually goes to got rebuilt into a supermarket... So she decides to go to the second closes rink.

She goes inside the lobby, grabs her skates, and walks into the rink.

There were barely- actually, almost nobody in the rink except for one person.

To her surprise she sees a familiar blond skating on the ice, it looked like Boruto...

He was practicing a routine she's never seen before, he was probably practicing for a competition.

And he looked beautiful doing it...

He does a quad lutz, amazing...

She decided that this was the time to call him, "Boruto?"


Boruto was thinking of his choreography as he skates on the ice. His first jump was probably gonna be a quad lutz.

He then notices someone's presence, but he was skating to fast to check, so he just continues.


When she spoke that's when he realized that she was not just 'someone', it was Sarada!

He falls in shock, "Ah!"

"S-Sarada?! What are you doing here?!"

"Yeah, well, my local rink got rebuilt into something else, so this was my second option." Sarada just says, void of any emotion, "Why are you so shocked?"

"Well, I didn't really expect you to be here... since barely anyone comes here and its usually only me..." Boruto stands up, he cleans the shredded ice off his pants, "Also, I really liked your free skate yesterday!"

"You saw?" Sarada was a little shocked, she was expecting it, but at the same time... she wasn't.

"Yeah, It was amazing! No wonder you placed first!"

"T-Thanks... I dedicated it to someone..." Sarada mutters, but it was loud enough for Boruto to hear, "I hope someday I'll skate together with them..."

"You placed so much emotion in that performace... it was like nothing I've ever seen before..." Boruto looks down, feeling a bit of jealousy towards the person she wanted to skate with, "Anyway, the person you want to skate with better acknowledge you!"

"T-Thanks..." She just mutters, "Say... was that choreography you're skating to your program for a competition?"

"Yeah, I plan on making it my short program. I'll be competing in the grand prix series."

"Oh, well I'll be there to cheer you on I guess."

Boruto goes to the side of the rink, but stops to ask a question, "So, who's the guy you say you wanna skate with?"

"It's private."

"Oh... why would something like that be a secret?"

"Doesn't this situation seem familiar to you?"

"Umm... no?"

Sarada just sighs, "Then I still won't tell you."

"Why?! I swear I don't remember anything like this! Should I know?!"

"Just forget it, even if you remember it or not, I still won't tell you."

"Since when did something like this happen?!" Boruto was too curious, he mutters, "Women are so confusing..." He just continues to skate is program, and shrugs it off.


While watching Sarada skate, Boruto always had this strange feeling in his chest... this feeling never happened to him before... she was magestic... when she skates, with or without music, it always makes Boruto feel something inside of him... it was like his heart was trying to tell him something.

Did he... like her?

No! That would be impossible...

They were barely even friends. I mean, their parents were like best friends, but that's literally the only reason why they seemed so close. Sarada was like a sister to him, and it would be weird if their relationship changes in any way.

But then again...

He just couldn't help but feel this way.

Boruto didn't even know anything about love, so why does he like Sarada all of a sudden?

Is it because of her skating? Well, yes, she skates amazing. But he'd seen other skaters skate the same way as she does, and she doesn't seem pretty different from them either.

Is it the way her body moves to the music? Maybe... she looked beautiful just skating to the music, like she was the music. She really owned it.

But he still doesn't think thats it...

There isn't any possible way he like her for her personality, she's kinda harsh when she's around him. So that's definitely not it.

Was it the way she had emotion in her skating, probably... absolutely... she seemed like she was skating for him... but that would seem unimaginable since she already has someone else she's skating to... but he couldn't help that the way she pours her heart and soul into her performance makes him think that maybe... there was a chance she liked him deep inside...

Maybe it's all of the above, that would seem logical since he can't really choose between his thoughts on her.

But maybe someday he'll know...

"Hey, Boruto."


"You haven't said a word to me since you were practicing your choreography," Sarada says, "And I've noticed that you've been... observing me... WHAT WERE YOU THINKING ABOUT, PERVERT?!"




Yep, but he was still right in the end. It definitely wasn't her personality that he liked.


-end of chapter-

(A/N: this chapter was kinda filler but thats ok 👌)

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