~ Watch Me ~

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(A/N: This is the music Sarada skates to: https://youtu.be/P2jXHKyuujM)


It's been 3 years since Boruto's big win in his first qualifying competition. With Boruto being first, Mitsuki being second, and third being a certain male.

And it has been 3 years as well since Boruto's rise to the top in the junior grand prix final. He had won gold, while Mitsuki with silver.

For the past 3 years, he's been skating in junior competitions. Now 15, turning 16. He has grown bored of skating, he just really had nothing to skate for anymore.

Until one day...


"You want to quit skating?!" Hinata was more than shocked to hear her son, who loved the ice for almost his entire life, want to retire at 15.


"But, why?"

"I have nothing to skate for anymore..." Boruto sighs, "It's all the same thing... I love the ice... but there are no more surprises to unfold for me anymore..."

"If that's what you want... then I support your decision."

"Thanks, mom..." Boruto looks down, "And I'm sorry..."


Boruto was tired. Tired of skating, tired of everything. He really had no purpose anymore but to surprise the audience who watch him. He decided the retiring was the best thing to do, since he had nothing else to show.

But he's feeling really down about his decision and decides to find inspiration again.

He was in his room as he opens his computer and decides to watch the womens single's, to his surprise a familiar raven haired girl shows up, doing her free skate.

"The next skater on the ice is, Uchiha Sarada."

Boruto's eyes widen when her name was mentioned, "Sarada...?"

"She will be skating to, "Ichiban No Takaramono" from "Angel Beats"," The commentator announces, "she says she dedicates this program to a skater she admires."

"A skater?"


Sarada looks passionately at the ground, starting her beginning pose, 'Boruto, this is for you. I swear I'll skate with you someday.'

She glides around the ice, following the beat of the music, as she does her biellmann spin.

She glides around the ice some more, doing hand movements that fitted the theme of her skating, admiration.

She prepares for her next jump which was a triple toe loop and a double toe loop combination.

She does her layback spin and prepares for another triple and double toe combination.

She then begins to glide around the ice, gracefully.


Boruto had a strange feeling in his heart, he didn't know what it was... but whenever he sees Sarada skate, he felt like she was skating... for him...

He just couldn't look away...

She was beautiful...

"Who are you skating for, Sarada..." Boruto unconciously mutters.


Sarada proceeds to do a quadruple loop, her excecution was marvelous.

'Boruto, I hope you're watching me. I hope you can feel what I feel... I poured my heart and soul into this, and I am not gonna stop until I can skate with you one day.'

She proceeds to do her slow step sequence, it was enchanting.

She had a desire so strong that everyone, even Boruto, could feel her emotion.

Her sadness, her admiration, everything.

She had strived so far to get to where she was now.

All she wanted so far in her skating career, was for Boruto to watch her.

And she thinks that this is the day that happens.

This is the day, where her wildest dreams come true.

She does her last spin, which is a camel spin.

And her last jump, a quadruple flip.

Just like...


"A quad flip... At the end of a performance..."

Boruto was enchanted, it was like he was under a spell. He never felt this way while watching any other person skate... No one had ever succeeded to make Boruto feel this way before.

But, she's different...


She does her finish pose.

Everyone in the audience was touched by the girl's performance, they stood silent.

Even the commentator had nothing to say... there was so much emotion in her performance that it left him speechless.

"T-That was an outstanding performance... Give it up for, Uchiha Sarada!"

The entire audience applaudes, and people threw flowers at the rink.

Sarada takes a bow.

Some people in the audience where even crying by how touched they were.

Sarada then sees her mother crying near the kiss and cry.

"SARADA THAT WAS AMAZING!!!" Sakura cries proudly, "I'M SO PROUD OF Y-YOU!!"

"Thank you, mama!" Sarada smiles as Sakura squishes her into a hug, "M-Mama! You're squishing me!"

"Sorry, sorry! I'm just so proud!"

"Let's go to the Kiss and Cry now, mama."


They sit in the kiss and cry, just in time for her score.

"Uchiha Sarada's score for her free skate is 100.35! Her total including the short program is 236.45! She is currently in first place!"

"First place?! I've never been in first place-"



Boruto closes his computer.

"Sarada..." Boruto smiles, he had tears rolling across his cheeks, "I think I may have found my inspiration..."

"It was you..."


-end of chapter-

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