Part 8 : My past

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I , park y/n have a confession to make

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I , park y/n have a confession to make

I will not lie but I maybe lied a little bit to jungkook. 'cause I know his number for a loong time.

-High school flashback

"Mingyu please I beg you! "

Mingyu continued walking to the other aisle book with a hand full three text book, like a big damn novel and he said he will read all of it in one day. What kind of stupid shit he is talking about? He is Kim Mingyu and your childhood friend so you knew him very well and when you said very well than you knew him very well to know he never touch his books.

Mingyu startled you when he suddenly turned back and gives you his warning eyes.

"I will not give his number. You're going to be one of his creep. "

Your shoulder drop to the floor, dramatically you give him the ugliest pout he have ever seen. You almost cracked a smile when mingyu sigh loudly and pinched the bridge of his nose, really having stress by your begging.

"What do you ladies even see in jungkook? "

"He's hot? "

"That's all? "

"He's kinda smart." You answered with full of confidence, smiling proudly at mingyu who's low-key judging your words.

"Jungkook is anything but smart."

"So are you, Gyu."

Mingyu smiled softly when he hear you said his nickname. It's a thing both of you had and he would not give the chance to anyone to call him that. You're special to him as much he is to you. No romantic feelings just pure friendship from childhood.

"Okay I will admit he has the looks but why do you want his number? "

"I know I can't have him so I guess having his number wouldn't harm anyone? "

Mingyu shakes his head before softly knock your head like a door. You close your eyes, feeling the pain slowly killing your brain sells.

"Stop making me more stupid than before. "

"I'm sorry boo." It was your time too smile at mingyu who shamelessly tap the tip of your nose.

"The number? " Mingyu laughs at your attempt to pull his phone but fails of course. You put your hands together and ask Jungkook's number just like a usual regular girl have a cute crush on a handsome boy.

"Fine. Just because I ate your chocolate yesterday so I'll take this as if it's a reward for today. "

You jumped happily when mingyu ask for your phone. Your hands automatically pulls the phone  out and push it into mingyu's hand.

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