Part 14 : Holding hands

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Jungkook steps cautiously, as his eyes kept looking back to your slow walk. Trying to make sure you're not getting lost in the dark forest.

It has been his secret, the beauty of the moonlight up above shining down the land is too breathtaking to be shared but he needs an A. That's the only reason for today, right?

"This is beautiful." You unknowingly said it out loud.

Giving a slight glance at jungkook who's smiling by himself too. Your mouth slowly spread a small shy smile on your face.

The crush you've been dreaming is finally here talking and smiling at you. This is a dream. A dream come true.

"How did you find this?" You ask him and jungkook slows down his pace just for you to catch up.

"Just went for a stroll and got lost. That's it." Jungkook answered like it's not a big deal but your eyes looks at him questioning his words.

"What?" Jungkook glance at your confuse state.

"You got lost? Why did you even go out in the dark?" 

Jungkook didn't know if he wants to tell you or not. The reason is a little bit to privacy for him but he didn't want to offend you in any way.

Your eyes are still attach to his face so you could see he's getting a little bit flustered by you.

"You don't have to answer me or you could just lie your reasons though. I won't know the truth either way." 

You took the lead on the road and jungkook stares dumbfound on your black jacket back.

He had the thought of telling you the story but he's not comfortable with it yet. He just met you  and telling you his personal life is a little too much for a new friend.

The only thing he admires you is even though you just met each other but you still could understand him not like them. They never understand what he wants in life.

The only good deed they did for him is they let him fall in love with anyone and let him pursue his dream.

That's good for his future but not good for his child memories. Parental loves for their child.


Jungkook's head snap towards you. You tilts your head in front wanting him to take the lead again.

You don't know this place yet and you could be like the past him again. Being lost like a lonely baby deer.


It took you a couple hours to take the perfect picture. You wanted it to have an enchanted forest feeling.

The dark side and mystery look of the painting. The shadows behind the leaves as you lay down the dirt and look up the moon.

Jungkook made you as the model. To be easier for you both to imagine the feeling. You lay flatly on the dead leaves as your body lays between his legs.

Focusing on the soft lights on your skin, the beautiful nature around you. The orange and yellow leaves around you looks beautiful for the photo.

The moonlight shines so brightly a sit moves until it shines straightly between the leaves to your body.

Jungkook's hands stops taking pictures and slowly zooms into your face. Like he's being awestruck by your beauty.

The fast beat on his chest as you take in a deep breath. Still having your model pose, jungkook had made you to lean to your right and stare straight ahead into the unknown.

Just to make your state as confuse with your life. As if you've given up with it.

Jungkook unknowingly licks his dry lips when your mouth smacks each other, thirsty from the long walk. His eyes never lose its focus on your features.

The light makes your face even more calmer and looks breathtaking for him.

Your eyebrows scrunches at the silence. 

Why isn't he taking the pictures?

"Jung-" Your mouth seals shut when his face is close. So close to yours.

His camera has put aside as he lets his body leans down to you. Laying his hands besides your head, not letting all his body weight lays on top of yours as he stares deeply into your eyes.

"W-What are you doing?"

Your heart is beating do fast until you can't breath. Jungkook's deep dark gaze is not helping your breathing state too.

The weak spot of you is screaming for help while your hard stan side of you keep yelling fuck me bitch!

"I know right. What am i doing?" Jungkook's hand falls down to your hands.

"This moment of us here." 

His eyes falls on your lips, making your breath sucks in and your neck is shown fully to his eyes. 

"Feels to perfect for my gay ass."


-end chapter-

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From : Miss Haecuuu

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