Part 28 : I Love You 3000

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You sit awkwardly on the middle of Mingyu's bed while waiting for Jungkook to finish his shower. In your head, it's like so chaotic and you can't believe you're going to let the Jeon Jungkook stay the night with you in your house.

You had slept together at his house yeah that's not a lie but this right now it's different today!

But thinking again, your mother thinks Jungkook is your boyfriend and she's 100% believe it's true but even you yourself have a hard time knowing what is the real tittle in this relationship.

Your body quickly sit straight, feet folds together. Your eyes stuck on his body and dang, his tattoos are making him look even more manlier than he already am.

Jungkook walks in using a towel hanging on his neck, he dries the side of his hair. He didn't know what to do as soon as he opens the door.

Looking up shyly and sees you're focus eyes on him between his wet hair. He knows it's a bit different sight to see from him since he regularly wears a long sleeve shirts.

Smiling lightly when your eyes rolls around the room before coming down to his body again.

Your heart beats so fast and you can't even breath anymore as Jungkook lays right besides you on the bed.

Jungkook leans back to the head board and just stares at your tense back. Your fingers plays with the hem of your shirt, starting to feel a little self-conscious cause you don't have freaking eyes at the back.

You have no clue what's his doing or what he's even thinking right now. It's not like you could hear his mind if you stare into his eyes but still you could feel his eyes are on you.

Cause he is. All Jungkook could think is the beating of his heart and your small big hoodie paring with a cute pink shorts is a really relaxing sight to see.

For the first time in his life, he wants to stop the time and continue to stare into your beautiful eyes until he says it's enough.

But he knows it'll be impossible for you to move after this cause he doesn't think he'll ever get enough of loving you.

"You said you'll be the judge of my cuddling? " Jungkook's voice startles you, making your shoulder jumps and Jungkook saw it.

Chuckling at the jump, he sat up straight again before sitting cross legs too behind your tense body.

"I-I'm meditating. Can't you see? " You again tries to be strong in front of him and again Jungkook could only hear an angry hamster scolding him.

Nodding while laughing, your eyes peek slightly just a little peek to his bare fresh out of the shower face and you swear to god, he's face is made to be in the billboard news.

You just can't stay calm, even if you want to be calm you just can't!

You just can't stop being hype about your highschool crush is here and has confessed he is in love with you! It's like a miracle fairy tale story in your own life.

Jungkook glance at you rolling your shoulders, trying to loose the tension so he's head pop out a light bulb. An idea come out.

With a wide smile, sticking a little tongue out, hoping you'll love the surprise.

"You're so tense y/n." Your heart just jumps out so hard and you almost faint when Jungkook's strong hand lays on top of both of your shoulders.

Wiggling them a bit, "No no, it's fine. I am calm just meditating a bit. " Jungkook didn't buy your excuse at all, slapping your hands away playfully from disturbing him.

"Just relax and let master massage jungkook take the lead. " Jungkook jokes around, hoping for you to be more relax with him and you did.

Smiling amusingly at him, looking back at his wide smile too before swirling your finger to him. "You're being a little bit too confident with yourself. "

You laugh so loud by Jungkook's confident smug look. "Let the bomb be real Jungkook. "

"As you wish ma lady. " Jungkook and you laugh at his silly butler acting before his hands starts the massage.

Your eyes quickly closed at the relaxing squeeze, it's not too much energy being used but it's not also too light.

You head leans back as you enjoy the feeling, Jungkook leans closer to your side face and sees your face, chuckling lightly before shaking your shoulders.

"Don't fall asleep to fast, I think I need my own massage too. " You snicker a laugh before patting his head. Jungkook's eyes close at the touch and as if you know what he wants you let your fingers massage his nape.

Still squeezing your shoulders, he let's his head rest on your shoulders while you let your body fall on his wide chest. Letting your head fall on his shoulders.

"I've been dying to have a massage and I guess master massage jungkook is real after all. "

Your eyes kept closed as Jungkook stops his massaging before pulling your body by your waist closer to him. Making your body fully laying on at him.

"I told you. Don't ever underestimate my skills. " Jungkook's hand cover the hand on his nape and your lips tug a small smile at his cute peck on the neck.

"I never thought I'll be like this with anyone. " Finally you let your body be relax by his warmth and Jungkook notice you being too drawn to sleep.

Pulling down the sheets before placing it on top of both of you. You and jungkook lay down while holding each other hands together.

Before you sleep, the question that's been really bothering you all day. "Jungkook? "

"Hmm? " Jungkook's head snuggles by your neck, inhaling your peach scent before smiling satisfyingly. The most perfect day he have ever live for the past 22 years of living.

"I have a sensitive question again. " Eyes closing, Jungkook nods his head. Allowing you to continue further the question.

"Am I your girlfriend?" You just can't stop from feeling more and more nervous at his silence. You almost think he's asleep but soon Jungkook pulls off the hug and meet with your eyes.

"Do you want to be? " He has made the decision and he will take the chance to full fill his life with love once again..

"I do? " Are you even qualified to be with him?  Jungkook's hand from holding yours went up to hold your chin.

Letting his eyes stares into yours easier, "Than today is our first day. " With no more question, he gives you the most longest and most sweetest kiss he have ever give to anyone.

The giddiness and the butterflies flying around in your stomach, just made the kiss ten million times even better than before.

It has zero sign of sexual intention cause he gives you only full on love and caring affection.

"I love you. "


-end chapter-

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