Part 17 : What Am I Doing?

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Playlist Today : WANNABE by ITZY
16/07/2019, Thursday. 8:30


Jungkook's lips stuck freeze between your frozen state too. Both eyes couldn't believe with what happened, your classmates all around you stare mouth open by both of you.

Your body lay flat on top of his shock sitting state. Pushing his body far quickly before looking everywhere else except him.

Jungkook stare in front, chest heaving up and down, heart beating so fast until his sweats stroll down. Cheeks flare from shyness, both of you glance each other slightly before you close your face frustrated.

"I'm so sorry. " You apologize to the confuse crush he is. Jungkook didn't know how or what to respond when he still could feel the softness of your lips even after you pull off.

Jungkook's heart can't stop beating and it's slowly freaking him out. What if this is a new start of love for him again? Is he ready to overcome the trauma he have with jimin?

"No. I'm sorry for kissing you too."

"What?" Jungkook sees your shock eyes and he panics, he didn't mean it in a bad way.

You didn't take any feelings from his words too cause it's normal for people to apologize something both sides didn't plan to do.

"I'm not regretting the kiss but i hope you didn't feel uncomfortable with it." Jungkook's mouth stop moving, left it wide open when he realize the word 'Didn't regret' he spoke to you. 

Your right eyebrow raise questioning him but soon to know the boy is practically having war inside his mind as well.

You pat jungkook's shoulder reassuringly, still shy from before but keep it to yourself again.

"It's fine jungkook. It's neither my fault or your fault. So don't worry too much." You ignored all the stares and sat again besides him. Even when your whole body are shaking of excitements and embarrassed but still you need to put your feelings aside.

Jungkook sigh, relief with your chill words but the word he said before stuck in his head all this time.

Jungkook glance to your focus face again, focusing to your project. He pulls out his phone and hesitate to have the truth or not.

Is he ready to face the truth? Is he ready to finally meet the mystery girl called duck all this time?

Jungkook took a deep breath before opening your chats. Typing the keyboard one by one, jungkook's heart beat was no chill at all. 

His hands are shaking so bad until he made tons of typo's in just one sentence.


Is that you?

Your phone buzz in your jacket, jungkook's eyes widens so big at the shocking news. Closing his mouth from screaming, jungkook looks at your chill face finding the hidden phone.

You didn't know what jungkook was doing behind you cause the filter for this picture was mesmerizing and it's not a lie when people say jungkook has the golden hand in photography.

You open the text and with only one word, your heart stops working.

"It's really you?" Jungkook cautiously glace at your shock face. Your eyes wonders right to left, don't know what to do anymore. Scared to even look at his face.

Jungkook tries to look at you but your body quickly runs away. "Wait!" As soon as you stand up to run, "Hello class, sorry for the delay."  The teacher is finally here.

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