Part 13 : Our Own Preference

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Every thing about today was fine except the part where jungkook silently sat besides you, in his room. Both of you alone. No roommates when he said he has one. Fucking liar but you are not the one who's complaining anything cause- it's jeon jungkook.

"So, should we start?" Jungkook said after he cleared his throat. "Umm, sure. How about we search some reference for the forest?"

You took out your apple mac book and type in 'forest' at pinterest. Letting all the beautiful captured photos loads into your screen. As your eyes are busy searching the perfect look for your style, suddenly jungkook closed the screen off. You turned to him, looking confuse.

"What are you doing?"

"I think, i mean in my opinion-" Jungkook looks hesitate to say his idea but your eyes tells him to carry on cause you're a team and you respect each others ideas.

"How about we take our own reference?"

"You mean, we go out? In the dark? I bet there will be lights in the forest-"

"I may know a secret place that have lights. Beautiful lights." Jungkook took a second to take in your stare at him before he gulps his saliva and turn his back to you.

"It will not be long. We'll be only ten minutes there and it will be fine, right?" While searching for his bag, jungkook looks back to see your expression.

"I'm fine but i just thought it could be awkward for you."

"Me? With who?" Jungkook blinked his eyes cutely while his finger pointing at his body confusedly. Cute!

"Is there other human being in this room?" You stood up and leaned your back on his desk. Giving him your sarcastic tone as you toured his room with your eyes only. Nodding your head as a pass for him in your bias list. Clean man but have lots of useless boxes. That's okay cause you could help him clean up if you were a thing- you will be!

"No-" Jungkook chuckles. "- well if you think like that than you're actually wrong."

"I'm not awkward? I mean, we're not awkward?" Jungkook couldn't control his laugh when you look to surprise by his answer. It couldn't be true cause you saw how he always stop talking and stare at everything except you.

"No. To be honest, i feel really comfortable with you. You make me feel calm." Your eyes couldn't believe at the angel smile his giving to you. It's like a honey bunny smile he's giving you and it's making your insides melt.


"Cool? That's all?" You awkwardly rubs both of your hands together before walking slowly to the door.

"I'm leaving first, i'll wait outside okay?" Before he could even answer you, your body has pass through the door like a ghost. The camera in his hands stayed there while his smile sealed open until his cheeks hurt. Good hurt. You looked cute and he likes your awkward smile and laugh.

"I won't fall for her. This is just a simple crush, just like always." Jungkook shake his head repeatedly before smacking his face strongly. Trying to keep his track into the project only and not to being alone with you. The plan is just to have good grades. Okay jungkook?

You tap your feet together while watching the stars through the window. Jungkook's house is apparently on top of this mountain high apartment. Rich boy, i like. Jungkook closed his door, beeping noise of it's locking being heard from your place. 

The way you turn and he could see as if you're standing under a spotlight while your body turn to look at him. Damn, this is like in the drama.

Ba bump Ba bump Ba bump

You look at him weirdly when he suddenly turns his body away quickly.

"Jungkook?" Jungkook's eyes panics at your voice.

"Y-yes?" With hands on his heart, jungkook tried to fake smile but all blood run down his face when your hand touch his shoulder.

"Are you okay?" You tried to peek his face but he quickly brush your hand away and walk fast to the elevator leaving you standing awkwardly in front of his door.

"I-i think we need to hurry."


You tilt your head, not sure with this weird atmosphere but you still went to stand besides him. Jungkook's shoulder tense as his nose suddenly become like a dog. Your peachy scent suddenly could be smell from 10 miles away, this is much more worse than he normally acts to people he likes. 

You couldn't take it anymore when jungkook took a step back from you while closing his nose.

'Do i smell?' Slowly and unnoticeable, you tried to smell your armpit. 

'Still fresh. Why is he like this?' You ask yourself as your eyes scanned his body from the top to the bottom.

While you are busy with your own thoughts, jungkook's heart couldn't handle you checking him out shamelessly.

'What's she doing?'

Both of you said the same thing as the door opened.

'I need to go home. Now!'


-end chapter-

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