Part 12 : You Touch My Ass

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Playlist today : Workaholic by BOL4

12/07/2019,Friday. 08:10

You walk into the class room and as always you will see the now long hair jungkook sitting on his chair while eating something with his phone in his hand. Your eyes never look away from his place, as a normal teenage one-side love girl. 

Your heart starts to beat fast even if he's just fixing the long strain hair of his. 

Your hands are busy taking out your stationary but your eyes are still glued to the back of his head. It's like driving you crazy but at the same time excites you to know you are the one who knows who's he is silently texting with. 

Everyone knows how much he is anti with girls and never talks to any of them except if it's related to school stuff. Now? Knowing you have his attention without by accident is more than enough for you.

Even if he doesn't know who you are but he still cares for you. You can't prove his care for you 100 percent yet but you could feel it through your guts that you're somewhere there in one of his soft spot.

You and jungkook simultaneously jumps at the loud bang on the floor. Your mouth closed shut as your eyes narrowed slowly to the boy who's already staring back at you with an amused smile.

"You're early?" 

You nodded awkwardly at him with an extra awkward smile. Could you stop embarrassing yourself even more at you crush? Your legs slowly walks to the front of your table and clean up the mess you made. 

You heard jungkook snickered a laugh and it made you glare at him, annoyingly.

"What are you laughing at? Is it funny watching me collecting pens?" 

You angrily showed him your hand full of pens. Jungkook shakes his head as a no but still with a small chuckle. You didn't even realize his light footsteps walking towards your place.

You're eyes are too busy searching for your stationary while jungkook's eyes are too busy staring at your long hair and bare face. It's a bit weird for him now. The feeling of needing to stare at a girls face. It's already been years since the last kiss he had with a girl heck it's actually been years since he could talk comfortably with a girl after he dated jimin.

"You're busy today?"

"Huh?" Jungkook laugh cutely at the way you stared up at him. Mouth still pouting and eyes curiously staring into his.

"Are you busy today? Our project is not even close to finish and it's due by the end of this month."

Jungkook walk towards the long table and sat on it. You're still on the floor thinking hardly if you have time or- Wait! 

What are you even talking right now? Do you even have friends to make plans with here? You look back at jungkook who's waiting patiently for your answer.

"I'm free."

"Do you want to go to my house?" 

Your eyes widened at his blunt offer. Jungkook didn't think taking you to his house is something to be flustered about because both of you are just going to seat in front of each other while discussing about the main theme. 

But for you? Hearing the invitation from The Jeon Jungkook to walk inside his home is something really big. It could turn into a war if someone else hear this. Especially if it's from his fans.

Your eyes sting, filled with tears when you choke your own saliva in shock. Jungkook's eyes widen at your trouble situation and move quickly to your side to help you.

"A-are you okay?"

"I'm okay." You showed him an okay sign and shooed him away but he didn't. Your heart beats even faster when jungkook shamelessly pulls your wrist up with your body and makes you sat on top of the table.

"Are you that scared of me?" Jungkook reach to your bag and search for your water bottle.

"In the second zip." 

You could hardly say anything but before he find something else he shouldn't touch, you had gather all your energy to help him.

After a few seconds, jungkook finally found your bottle and hand it to you. You thank him slowly before chugging down half of the bottle down your throat. 

"Finally. I can breath." 

You breath in and out breath. Jungkook leaned back to the table with arm crossed as he continue to stare into your appearance. Is it weird that you're face is changing every day?

"You haven't answer my question."

"Which o-one?" 

You shut your eyes tightly, in regret. In all times why now? Why did your voice had to cracked in the middle of the sentence today? Jungkook couldn't deny this girl in front of him is indeed taking all his attention. The joy he once miss will come and go in seconds when he's with anyone else but with you? The joy stayed for a long time. It stays until you said goodbyes.

"Both of them. My house and am i scary?"

"First, it is very inappropriate for a girl and a boy to be in the same empty house together. Alone."

"But there will be my roommate though?" Your fingers that's pointing at him confidently slowly went down to your side. 

"I'm just saying facts. I never said the girl and the boy was us. Are you deaf?" 

You could feel your face getting hotter and hotter by second. Maybe it's because of the embarrassment you just had or maybe it's because of jungkook's never ending hard gaze at you.

"My ears are perfectly fine. So? Do you want to go to my house or not?"

"Whatever. Text me the address."

You were about to dismiss him because the other classmates are already arriving. You couldn't handle the weird stares they giving you and the way they are whispering by themselves. 

Jungkook is not even close from finishing his talk with you. As soon as you turn your back to him, he didn't miss the time to grab your wrist again and accidentally pull you close to him.

Too close until your nose touch. Too close until both of your hot breaths are hitting each other wet lips and too close until your hands too are not on the right place. Especially jungkook.

With gritted teeth you warned him.

"Get your fucking hands off my butt."


-end chapter-

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