I've learned a lot when I was in the hospital I found out that I I'm to give birth on about February 10. My beautiful baby boy is alive and healthy, and that Stacy is in a mental hospital. Yeah people love to gossip.
"Christy I want you to take these vitamins everyday, and go see your doctor in 2 weeks" Mr. Hasting told me he was the doctor who was looking out for me while I was in the hospital. I was now able to go home and was excited I hate the hospital.
"Okay doc I will" I told him taking the vitamins from he's hand.
"I'll see you when you give birth okay" he said
"Okay" I said grabbing my bag and heading to the waiting room where Liz was waiting for me.
"Let's go" I told her she got up and we headed to her car. The car ride home I feel asleep.
"Hey wake up where here" I heard Liz softly whispering and shaking me. I groan and got up I looked out the window and we were outside our apartment.
"Okay go get clean up. Are you hungry?" Liz asked as she sat my bags down on the kitchen chair.
"Yeah cab we get some pizza or take out or both" I said rubbing my stomach she laughs
"Okay now go get comfy" she told me I went to my room I need a shower.Nathan's p.o.v
"How is she?" I asked
"She fine. She's getting clean up right now" Liz said I've been calling Liz to find out how Christy was I couldn't bare and go see her I didn't want to hurt her again and put her at risk.
"Okay I ummm have to go" I said I didn't know what else to ask her.
"Are you going to call her" she asked
"I don't know" I told her
"Your hurting yourself for doing that she might seem like she's fine but she's not don't be stupid and lose the only thing you care about." She said.
She was right I did care about her.
"It's not easy" I said maybe I was being stubborn and not listening to anyone's advice.
"If you love someone you don't let them go" she said I took a deep breath.
"I have to go" I said and hung up. I can't take these anymore I need a drink I need to get away from all off these.Christy's p.o.v
"God I'm in love with these pizza" I moaned as I took another bite of my third pizza. Liz laughed
"Shut up your just jealous" I said eating my pizza.~8 hours later
Nathan p.o.v
"How about we go to your place big boy"the stripeer that was dancing for me whisper.
"How about you get me another drink" I told her pushing her body away from my body.
These would be my fifth drink I've been drowning myself in alcohol to get my mind of her.
"Fine" she said and left to the bar.
I need to forget about her I'm the new billionaire bachelor I can have it all but yet I don't have her and I want her no I need her. I headed to the bar since the stripeer was taking to long and order four shots. One by one I drowned my self with the alcohol enjoying the burn it left in my throat. I probably took about 7 alcohol drinks and was feeling great amazing actually.
"Sir I'm going to call you a cab" the bartender said. I just nodded and took a sit she called me a cab and told me it was to come in 3 minutes.
"Where to sit?" The cab driver said.
"325 heights st" I said it wasn't my house I knew that but I needed to see her I needed to know she was okay and if me being drunk was the only way I got the courage then I was going to do it.
"Sir we're here " the cad driver said bringing me out of my thoughts. I paid him and got out stumbling my way to her door. I rang the door bell the living room lights were on so I knew they weren't asleep. I rang the bell again and finally someone open.
"Nathan!" the voice was sweet.
"Christy" I said
"What are you doing here" she asked
"Aren't you going to let me in" I said she opened the door wider letting me in.
"I had to see you" I told her giving her a hug
"Your drunk" she said
I laughed " yes I am but these was the only way I could see you"
"No it wasn't if you wanted to see me you wouldn't be a coward about it" she said and I knew she was right
"Please don't yell at me" I said my head pounding
"ughh fine go take a seat on the couch I'll go get you some black coffee" she said and left me there in the living room.Christys p.o.v
I went into the kitchen and made Nathan some black coffee. God what is he doing here why did he even come here.
"Here's your coffee" I told Nathan who sat in the couch head in his hands.
"Thanks" he said and I toke a seat next to him. It was silent for a few minutes neither of us said anything.
"I'm sorry" Nathan finally said. I got up from the couch.
"Are you okay with sleeping on the couch" I told him
"Umm yeah" he said placing the coffee cup on the table. I went over to the closet in the hallway and got some blankets and I figured he could us the pillows the couch has.
"Here you go. Umm will talk tomorrow" I told him placing the sheets on the couch and turning around.
"Thank you" he said. I stopped but didn't turn around.
"Goodnight" I said and continued to walk to my room where I laid down on my bed and started reading again.
-Liz p.o.v
I knocked on christys door.
"Come in" she said through the door I opened it and saw her laying in bed reading a book like always.
"Hey who was at the door?" I asked
"Nathan" she said putting her book down on the table next to her bed.
"Are you going to be okay being with him tomorrow? I have to go in early to work" I told her. She nodded and said she would be okay being with him since she thinks he's going to leave before she walks you. I said my goodnight too her and walked out of her room to mine . God please help her please let her fall in love with him let him take care of her and the baby.

Pregnant with my new bosses baby
Подростковая литератураWhat happened when you end up having a one night stand with the guy you meet at a club? But then you find out his your new boss and your his assistant yet there's a secret you haven't told him and arent planing on it.