Scene 8 - A Desperate Rescue

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The DT19 is close to Los Angeles, only within minutes. They have heard the news.

Pilot Metcalfe:

Sounds bad at Los Angeles.

Pilot Svenson:

Let's just get her down. Decelerate.

Metcalfe pulls a lever downwards, the rate of descent – speed. It's not working.

Pilot Metcalfe:

Adam, she's not working! We're not slowing down. A malfunction is reporting on the ship herself!

An image pops up, showing the aircraft and the bug planted by one of the Hood's agents. It marks red with a huge exclamation mark!

Pilot Svenson:

What is it?

Pilot Metcalfe:

Something I imagine that is taking control of our aircraft.

Pilot Svenson:

We're increasing speed rapidly! And decreasing altitude!

Pilot Metcalfe:

Ladies and gentlemen, we're experiencing a slight technical malfunction. Please remain calm whilst we solve this small error.

Pilot Svenson:

You didn't tell them their lives are in danger.

Pilot Metcalfe:

Of course not! They would start panicking. Delta Tanger One-Niner to Los Angeles airport, we're experiencing a major problem. Something has taken control of our ship and we are gaining speed and losing altitude. We cannot control the plane. We need urgent help and rescue!

In the clouds close by, a rocket engine fires – and the craft reveals out of the invisible. Thunderbird 1!


International Rescue to Delta Tanger One-Niner, we have received your call. Have your controls gone completely dead?

Pilot Metcalfe:

Affirmative, International Rescue.

Pilot Svenson:

We can't make out either what is in front of us either with this cloud cover.


Base from Thunderbird 1, Brains can you make out what is causing the plane to lose control.

Brains holographically scans the ship in the lounge with the desk in front of him – the same danger point marks at the roof of the craft.


Oh my! Some k-kind of bug has been plan-planted there. It's an Override Fl- Flight Programmer Bot!

Pilot Svenson:

That thing that was stolen from Manchester.


The Hood planted it there! Or at least one of his agents!

The cover begins clearing. Thunderbird 1 flies alongside the DT19.

Brains – there's trouble ahead!

The Los Angeles Car-Vu was directly in line for the incoming aircraft to crash into!

Brains, the Delta Tanger is on a direct course for the Los Angeles Car-Vu! And the World President is trapped up there and is being held at gunpoint! Colonel Casey from Thunderbird 1, the incoming jet is heading directly for the Car-Vu. All those passengers on board don't stand a chance!

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