Scene 9 - Pod Explorers Are Go!

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Thunderbird 2 flies magnificently towards the damaged tower. Gordon views a hologram of the crumbling monument as he and Alan view the diagram. It flies around the Car-Vu.


Thunderbird 2, arrived at danger zone!


Virgil, good. The Delta Tanger has crashed on top of the Thompson Building. Are there any life signs in there still?

Gordon scans the flaming building and underground register two life members of personal, trapped in the wreckage above them.


There are two people trapped underground. And it looks like their way out is blocked.


The tower is still in flames. They will burn first before the plane collapses in.


More like crumble like one of Grandma's chicken wings.


And the passengers and crew are still trapped inside the Delta Tanger One-Niner!


Virgil, take Thunderbird 2 down by the building. Alan, you launch in the Mole to rescue the two men at the bottom. Gordon, you use the Firefly to help control the flames and collapse of the infrastructure. Virgil, you will need to help take the plane off the building as safely as possible.


F.A.B! What about the Car-Vu, Scott?


Don't worry, I've got that job!

Thunderbird 2 touches down nearby the building, the long stretch of almost deserted road before them. The occasional car or truck rushes past, carrying the last evacuees. Once the ship lands, Pod 2 is revealed and the flap opens wideout. The Mole and Firefly rush out on the scene, whilst Thunderbird 2, leaving the pod behind, hurriedly takes back off.


Pod explorers are go!


Delta-Tanger One Niner from Thunderbird 2, I'm going to lift your craft off the building and take her to the airport.

Pilot Metcalfe:

Is that wise, Thunderbird 2? The plane might be rather heavy.


Don't worry, we've got that!

Pilot Svenson:

The passengers won't take much more of this.

Pilot Metcalfe:

They must!

The Mole and Firefly halt within four hundred yards from the Thompson Building, the Mole lowers its main body before quickly burying down into the ground.


Stand by to fire Gordon!


F.A.B. Standing by!

The four magnetic grabs on Thunderbird 2 fire at the craft. With gentle ease, Virgil is able to pick up the entire ship as more metal and debris crash down into the fire. Thunderbird 2 then speeds off away from the danger zone as a GDF flyer escorts the craft away from the city.


Now, Gordon!

He fires a bolt of fire into the tower, exploding the building further, and throwing Gordon's craft back a little bit.


Woah! The building has stopped burning!

The Los Angeles Car-Vu slips again dangerously, now on its very last legs.


Thunderbird to base, Brains we're not going to be able to make it in time! If this building falls it will hit the tower and send the city into flames.


Hold her as s-steady as possible, Scott.


I hope we're not too late this time!

Colonel Casey

Thunderbird 1, the city just wants another five minutes for evacuation. Do everything you can to prevent that tower from falling, Scott!

The Mole has almost finished burying through to the underground area.


Nearly through!

The two men are trapped under some rubble needing to be removed! A huge shaft leading upwards has trapped them, and more rubble and dirt continues to drop and fall downwards in the large, broken workroom. The Mole bursts through! The bits of wall zoom everywhere as the engines stop, Alan jumping out.

We're International Rescue! Hang in there. We're going to get you out.

Metal crashes down just in front of Alan. The entire building is about to collapse in on itself!


Virgil, Alan isn't through yet. And the entire building is about to cave in!


Hang in there!


Every second counts, Virgil!

Thunderbird 2 flies speed ultimate back towards the city. The Car-Vu crumbles further!

Thunderbird 1 to Thunderbird 2, I really don't know how much longer I can hold this up for.


Virgil, Alan is on his way back up. You need to get us back in the pod before the building explodes and the Car-Vu falls down!

The Firefly rushes back to the Pod. Meanwhile, Alan returns back up the hole hurriedly and zooms back to the Pod too as the flap seals up. Thunderbird 2 is arriving to pick up the Pod, clicking and locking in position and charging back into the air.


All pods collected!

The tower was moments from collapsing!

Colonel Casey:

Thunderbird 1? I've just had the ok from the ground. You can let her go!


F.A.B. Colonel Casey! Now!

The structure of the damaged tower burns in the fire with another almighty explosion as Thunderbird 1 releases grip. Once the ship is away, the structure collapses, the Car-Vu swaying before falling like a stone on the city of Los Angeles, CRASH! POW! KABOOM! It had gone. But, where had Kayo gone?

Thunderbirds Are Go!: City Of The AngelsWhere stories live. Discover now