Chapter Three: Family

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Your first mission was great, you had the time to get to know Mac better and also captured the three gangs' bosses stopping the drug control.
Now all the team is at the Phoenix HQ
waiting for new instructions from the boss. Suddenly a message.
Wanna talk to each member of the team today, so pick your asses up and come here.
Matty, as always... Does she really want to talk to you?? Anyway you enter into the usual room. " Sit down y/n, please... I want to talk to you about...about blondie." What's wrong with him??  You ask yourself, probably doing a doubtful face, because Matty start talking again. "I do not want that the blonde guy affects your work, you know what I mean..."He's definitely not like Jonathan, that was a totally different situation. You can't..." the woman interrupts you "I perfectly know how to differentiate the situations but I just want you to know my worries." you look at the floor "Anyway I have no feelings for him. If that's all I'll leave..." you lie and try not to face her while leaving the room.
As you exit, you meet Riley "Hey y/n are you ok? Is she as terrible as Jack admits?" she asks you with a smirk. "Oh no, she is not. She just remembered me of some bad memories..." you respond, but before you manage to sit down on a step she tells you "I forgot to tell you that I received a message from the boss asking me to host you... I think that's a fantastic idea because I have a BIG apartment and I live alone, so... What do you think?" "Yeah, sure. Can't wait to share my geek-things with a new friend!" you answer showing a big smile. For the moment you try not to think about Jonathan, your ex-boyfriend.
After a new long mission with Mac, Jack and Riley you are finally in the new apartment."I must admit that it is pretty cosy!" "Thank you y/n... Bozer and Mac helped me furnishing it. Hope you won't mind if I listen to music!?" "Well, it depends on what type of music..." you laugh. "Ok, baby... Uhm... Maybe we can start with Rihanna??" she asks "Are you kidding me, yeah! Sure! I love her songs!!" you shout out of joy.
"Or maybe we can go..." "Where?" you ask this time. "At Mac's and Bozer's house... they just wrote me" she answers still looking at the phone. You nod and 30 minutes after you're sitting at Mac's terrace.
Here again, Jonathan is your main thought at the moment... He was so rude to you since you two have broken up. It seemed another person... Not the good guy that you have fallen in love with during the CIA tasks...
"Hey y/n, what are you thinking?" Mac has probably noticed your absence. "Hey Mac... Nothing... Just old memories..." "You can talk to me, you know, right? You're part of the family now!" he tells you with a beautiful smile "Thanks Mac... I was just thinking... Of my ex boyfriend" Mac is looking at you really serious "He wasn't that good guy I thought...especially when we broke up" you try to smile "If this can cheer you up... I can tell you that my ex girlfriend almost killed me, well then she also broke me heart, but that's a long story..." you look at his eyes and you smile. How can I stay away from someone like him... He makes me feel good, he makes me feel happy...

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